VISSIM COM接口VehicleNetworkPerformanceMeasurement

时间:2017-05-17 22:55:16

标签: python



#run vissim
env = win32com.client.Dispatch('Vissim.Vissim.800') 

#load layout,network
env.LoadNet( r'X:\Users\rHalabi\singleIntersection\Ryan.inpx')
env.LoadLayout( r'X:\Users\rHalabi\singleIntersection\Ryan.layx' )

#tell vissim to collect vehicle performance data
env.Net.Evaluation.SetAttValue( 'VehNetPerfCollectData', 1)

#run a few steps
for i in range(10):

#collect results
env.Net.VehicleNetworkPerformanceMeasurement.AttValue( 'DelayTot' )


com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'VISSIM.Vissim.800', 'Sub-attribute not specified', None, 0, -2147352567), None)
除了' DelayTot'我还尝试了其他属性。但没有工作。我已经按照文档进行了查询,并且能够查询其他对象没问题。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Veh_TT_measurement = Vissim.Net.VehicleTravelTimeMeasurements.ItemByKey(Veh_TT_measurement_number)
# Syntax to get the travel times:
#   Veh_TT_measurement.AttValue('TravTm(sub_attribut_1, sub_attribut_2, sub_attribut_3)')
# sub_attribut_1: SimulationRun
#       1, 2, 3, ... Current:     the value of one specific simulation (number according to the tribute "No" of Simulation Runs (see List of Simulation Runs))
#       Avg, StdDev, Min, Max:    aggregated value of all simulations runs: Avg, StdDev, Min, Max
# sub_attribut_2: TimeInterval
#       1, 2, 3, ... Last:        the value of one specific time interval (number of time interval always starts at 1 (first time interval), 2 (2nd TI), 3 (3rd TI), ...)
#       Avg, StdDev, Min, Max:    aggregated value of all time interval of one simulation: Avg, StdDev, Min, Max
#       Total:                    sum of all time interval of one simulation
# sub_attribut_3: VehicleClass
#       10, 20 or All             values only from vehicles of the defined vehicle class number (according to the attribute "No" of Vehicle Classes)
#                                 Note: You can only access the results of specific vehicle classes if you set it in Evaluation > Configuration > Result Attributes
# The value of on time interval is the arithmetic mean of all single travel times of the vehicles.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

哈拉比说得很对。 更具体地说,您可以查询子属性,例如

VNPM = env.Net.VehicleNetworkPerformanceMeasurement.AttValue( 'DelayTot(Current, Tot, All)' )

要检查您要使用的属性是否存在任何子属性,Vissim 工具栏上的“帮助”>“COM 帮助”将为您提供帮助。