
时间:2017-05-17 08:45:12

标签: ansible centos7 ansible-role

以下是我试图在具有操作系统Centos-7 ......的节点上运行的YAMLcode的一部分......

文件层次结构是 - >角色/ install_tools /任务/ main.yml



- name: install the Development tools package group
   name: "@Development tools"
   state: present

- name: Install common software requirements
  ignore_errors: yes
  become: true
  yum: pkg={{ item }} state=present
    - yum-plugin-fastestmirror
    - epel-release
    - git
    - libyaml-devel 
    - libnet-devel 
    - libnetfilter_queue-devel 
    - libpcap-devel 
    - pcre-devel 
    - file-devel 
    - jansson-devel 
    - nss-devel 
    - libcap-ng-devel 
    - lua-devel 
    - binutils 
    - gmp 
    - gmp-devel 
    - make 
    - ld 
    - glibc.i686 
    - python-pip 
    - perl-Sys-Syslog
    - readline-devel 
    - ncurses-devel 
    - openssl-devel 
    - easy-rsa
    - flex 
    - bison 
    - pcre 
    - zlib 
    - zlib-devel 
    - libpcap 
    - libdnet 
    - libdnet-devel 
    - m4
    - gcc  
    - mysql-devel 
    - python-devel 
    - geoip 
    - geoip-devel 
    - libffi-devel 
    - vim 
    - lsof 
    - wget 
    - mlocate 
    - htop 
    - net-tools 
    - traceroute
    - tcpdump 
    - radiusclient-ng.x86_64 
    - gmp-devel 
    - iptables-services 
    - dnsmasq 
    - pptpd 
    - mariadb-devel
    - lzo-devel.x86_64
    - crontabs
    - gcc 
    - make 
    - rpm-build 
    - autoconf.noarch 
    - zlib-devel 
    - pam-devel 
    - openssl-devel


任务[install_tools:安装通用软件要求] *********************** 失败:[meracentos](item = [u' yum-plugin-fastermirror',u' epel-release',u' git',u' libyaml-devel&# 39;,u' libnet-devel',u' libnetfilter_queue-devel',u' libpcap-devel',u' pcre-devel',u' ; file-devel',u' jansson-devel',u' nss-devel',u' libcap-ng-devel',u' lua-devel& #39;,u' binutils',u' gmp',u' gmp-devel',u' make',u' ld' ,u' glibc.i686',u' python-pip',u' perl-Sys-Syslog',u' readline-devel',u' ; ncurses-devel',u' openssl-devel',u' easy-rsa',u' flex',u' bison',u&# 39; pcre',u' zlib',u' zlib-devel',u' libpcap',u' libdnet',u' libdnet -devel',u' m4',u' gcc',u' mysql-devel',u' python-devel',u' geoip',u' geoip-devel',u' libffi-devel',u' vim',u' lsof',u' wget& #39;,u' mlocate&#3 9;,u' htop',u' net-tools',u' traceroute',u' tcpdump',u' radiusclient-ng.x86_64& #39;,u' gmp-devel',u' iptables-services',u' dnsmasq',u' pptpd',u' mariadb- devel',u&#; lzo-devel.x86_64',u' crontabs',u' gcc',u' make',u' rpm -build',u' autoconf.noarch',u' zlib-devel',u' pam-devel',u' openssl-devel'] )=> {"更改":false,"失败":true," item":[" yum-plugin-fastermirror"," epel-release"," git"," libyaml-devel"," libnet-devel"," libnetfilter_queue-devel",& #34; libpcap-devel"," pcre-devel"," file-devel"," jansson-devel"," nss-devel& #34;," libcap-ng-devel"," lua-devel"," binutils"," gmp"," gmp-devel"," make"," ld"," glibc.i686"," python-pip",&#34 ; perl-Sys-Syslog"," readline-devel"," ncurses-devel"," openssl-devel"," easy-rsa& #34;," flex"," bison"," pcre"," zlib"," zlib-devel" ," libpcap"," libdnet"," libdnet-devel"," m4"," gcc",&# 34; mysql-devel"," python-devel"," geoip"," geoip-devel"," libffi-devel" ," vim"," lsof"," wget"," mlocate", " htop"," net-tools"," traceroute"," tcpdump"," radiusclient-ng.x86_64" ," gmp-devel"," iptables-services"," dnsmasq"," pptpd"," mariadb-devel&#34 ;," lzo-devel.x86_64"," crontabs"," gcc"," make"," rpm-build&# 34;," autoconf.noarch"," zlib-devel"," pam-devel"," openssl-devel"],&# 34; msg":"没有包装匹配' ld'发现可用,安装或更新"," rc":126,"结果":[" yum-plugin-fastermirror-1.1.31-40.el7.noarch提供yum-plugin-fastermirror已经安装"," git-提供git已经安装"," binutils-2.25.1-22已经安装了.base.el7.x86_64提供binutils"," gmp-1:6.0.0-12.el7_1.x86_64,已经安装了gmp"," make-1:3.82 -23.el7.x86_64提供make已经安装","没有包匹配' ld'发现可用,已安装或更新"]}

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

不建议将with_items与ansible yum一起使用。您应该按照以下方式将列表传递给name:

- name: Install common software requirements
  become: true
  state: present
    - yum-plugin-fastestmirror
    - epel-release
    - git
    - libyaml-devel 
    - libnet-devel 
    - libnetfilter_queue-devel 
    - libpcap-devel 
    - pcre-devel 
    - file-devel 
    - jansson-devel 
    - nss-devel 
    - libcap-ng-devel 
    - lua-devel 
    - binutils 
    - gmp 
    - gmp-devel 
    - make 
    - ld 
    - glibc.i686 
    - python-pip 
    - perl-Sys-Syslog
    - readline-devel 
    - ncurses-devel 
    - openssl-devel 
    - easy-rsa


Invoking "yum" only once while using a loop via squash_actions is  deprecated. Instead of using a loop to supply multiple items and specifying `name: {{ item }}`, 

答案 1 :(得分:1)

下面的代码对我有用 - >

文件 - yumInstall.yml

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  serial: 1
    - name: 1. Install Apache Packages
      yum: name={{ item }} state=present
          - httpd
          - yum-plugin-fastestmirror
          - epel-release
          - git
          - libyaml-devel
          - libnet-devel
          - libnetfilter_queue-devel
          - libpcap-devel
          - pcre-devel
          - file-devel
          - jansson-devel
          - nss-devel
          - libcap-ng-devel
          - lua-devel
          - binutils
          - gmp
          - gmp-devel
          - make
#          - ld
          - glibc.i686
          - python-pip
          - perl-Sys-Syslog
          - readline-devel
          - ncurses-devel
          - openssl-devel
          - easy-rsa
          - flex
          - bison
          - pcre
          - zlib
          - zlib-devel

执行剧本: -

ansible-playbook -i hosts yumInstall.yml


播放[localhost] ******************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ******************

任务[1。安装Apache软件包] ********************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************ 已更改:[localhost] => (item = [u' httpd',u' yum-plugin-fastermirror',u' epel-release',u' git',u' libyaml-devel',u' libnet-devel',u' libnetfilter_queue-devel',u' libpcap-devel',u' pcre-devel' ,u' file-devel',u' jansson-devel',u' nss-devel',u' libcap-ng-devel',u' ; lua-devel',u' binutils',u' gmp',u' gmp-devel',u' make',u' glibc.i686',u' python-pip',u' perl-Sys-Syslog',u' readline-devel',u' ncurses-devel&# 39;,u' openssl-devel',u' easy-rsa',u' flex',u' bison',u' pcre&#39 ;,你' zlib',你' zlib-devel'])

回放********************************************* ************************************************** ************************************************** ********************** localhost:ok = 1 changed = 1 unreachable = 0 failed = 0


答案 2 :(得分:0)


  1. yum语法错误
  2. with_items现在已弃用。


- name: Install Tools
   state: present
    - telnet
    - htop

答案 3 :(得分:0)


    - name: Ensure useful util libs are present
        name: ['httpie', 'the_silver_searcher', 'fasd', 'multitail', 'vim']
        state: present 
      become: True


    - name: Ensure useful util libs are present
          - httpie
          - the_silver_searcher
          - fasd
          - multitail
          - vim
        state: present 
      become: True