a)球员数量= 3
b)价格总和< = 30
Player Vote Price
William Smith 0.67 8.6
Robert Thompson 0.31 6.7
Joseph Robinson 0.61 6.2
Richard Johnson 0.88 4.3
Richard Hall 0.28 9.7
我查看了scipy优化包,但我无法找到将宇宙约束到此子集的任何方法。有没有人能指出我是否有一个可以做到这一点的图书馆? 感谢
答案 0 :(得分:3)
例如,您可以使用Package PuLP。它具有与不同优化软件包的接口,但捆绑了一个免费的解算器。
easy_install pulp
from pulp import *
# Data input
players = ["William Smith", "Robert Thompson", "Joseph Robinson", "Richard Johnson", "Richard Hall"]
vote = [0.67, 0.31, 0.61, 0.88, 0.28]
price = [8.6, 6.7, 6.2, 4.3, 9.7]
P = range(len(players))
# Declare problem instance, maximization problem
prob = LpProblem("Portfolio", LpMaximize)
# Declare decision variable x, which is 1 if a
# player is part of the portfolio and 0 else
x = LpVariable.matrix("x", list(P), 0, 1, LpInteger)
# Objective function -> Maximize votes
prob += sum(vote[p] * x[p] for p in P)
# Constraint definition
prob += sum(x[p] for p in P) == 3
prob += sum(price[p] * x[p] for p in P) <= 30
# Start solving the problem instance
# Extract solution
portfolio = [players[p] for p in P if x[p].varValue]
使用与Brad Solomon相同的随机数据从125中抽取3名玩家的运行时间为0.5秒。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
由于 a)约束,您的问题是离散优化任务。你应该引入离散变量来表示采取/不采取玩家。请考虑以下Minizinc伪代码:
array[players_num] of var bool: taken_players;
array[players_num] of float: votes;
array[players_num] of float: prices;
constraint sum (taken_players * prices) <= 30;
constraint sum (taken_players) = 3;
solve maximize sum (taken_players * votes);
答案 2 :(得分:1)
这是一个使用itertools的非常糟糕的解决方法,请忽略其他方法之一是否有效。考虑从125创建3个玩家创建317,750个组合,n!/((n - k)!* k!)。主循环运行时~6m。
from itertools import combinations
df = DataFrame({'Player' : np.arange(0, 125),
'Vote' : 10 * np.random.random(125),
'Price' : np.random.randint(1, 10, 125)
Player Price Vote
0 0 4 7.52425
1 1 6 3.62207
2 2 9 4.69236
3 3 4 5.24461
4 4 4 5.41303
.. ... ... ...
120 120 9 8.48551
121 121 8 9.95126
122 122 8 6.29137
123 123 8 1.07988
124 124 4 2.02374
players = df.Player.values
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([i for i in combinations(players, 3)])
votes = []
prices = []
for i in combinations(players, 3):
vote = df[df.Player.isin(i)].sum()['Vote']
price = df[df.Player.isin(i)].sum()['Price']
votes.append(vote); prices.append(price)
result = DataFrame({'Price' : prices, 'Vote' : votes}, index=idx)
# The index below is (first player, second player, third player)
result[result.Price <= 30].sort_values('Vote', ascending=False)
Price Vote
63 87 121 25.0 29.75051
64 121 20.0 29.62626
64 87 121 19.0 29.61032
63 64 87 20.0 29.56665
65 121 24.0 29.54248
... ...
18 22 78 12.0 1.06352
23 103 20.0 1.02450
22 23 103 20.0 1.00835
18 22 103 15.0 0.98461
23 14.0 0.98372