
时间:2017-05-16 21:15:26

标签: jquery keyboard resize window-resize


// Open/Close Search Form and focus in input search field. THIS IS ON DOM READY !
$('.search-trigger').click(function () {
    $(this).find('i').toggleClass('icon-close', 'icon-search');
        height: 'toggle',
        opacity: 'toggle'
    $('.search-dropdown .search-field').focus();

2- 在任何手机或标签上,如果点击图标,则会弹出虚拟键盘,因为$('.search-dropdown .search-field')已聚焦且高度 { {1}} 将更改


A - 如果我想关闭调整大小时的下拉搜索(当用户更改移动设备或标签的方向时),我可以执行以下操作:< / p>


但是,当我知道高度会发生变化,当用户点击图标时,我无法执行 A - ,因为下拉搜索会显示为第二次然后关闭!

B - 因此,为了确保下拉搜索可见,我可以执行以下操作:

$(window).on('resize', function () { // THE DOM IS READY
    $('.search-trigger .icon-search').removeClass('icon-close');

现在代码将起作用,下拉搜索将起作用,如果用户更改方向,则下拉列表将关闭。 但是,因为宽度不再与原始宽度相同(用户更改了方向),如果单击搜索图标,下拉搜索将会显示一秒钟然后关闭!



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 * Before opening the Header Search Form,
 * do not waste time by creating jQuery object from window multiple times.
 * Do it just once and store it in a variable.
 * This is done to take care of the performance.
var $window = $(window);
var originalHeight = $(window).height();
var originalWidth = $(window).width();
//3. Open/Close Header Search Form
$('.search-trigger').click(function () {
        height: 'toggle',
        opacity: 'toggle'
    // Reset the initial state of the search icon and dropdown
    // Since the height will change when the virtual keybord becomes visible,
    // I don't need to put it inside the resize event and double check it !
    if ($('.icon-close').is(':visible')) {
        if ($window.height() !== originalHeight) {
        $window.resize(function () {
             * Do not calculate the new window width twice.
             * Do it just once and store it in a variable.
            var newWidth = $window.width();
            // Do the comparison
            if (originalWidth !== newWidth) {
                // Execute the code
                $('.search-trigger .icon-search').removeClass('icon-close');
                // Reset the width  
                // This is the tricky part that I was misssing :(
                originalWidth = newWidth;
    //  Focus in input search field
    $('.search-dropdown .search-field').focus();
// Reset Search Input Value to Search...    

希望这可以在类似的问题上帮助其他人 SYA:)
