在rails 5

时间:2017-05-16 17:09:36

标签: ruby ruby-on-rails-5 infinite-loop rake-task monit

我有一个要求,我必须不断从AWS-SQS(简单队列服务)获取消息并更新模型的相关记录。该消息包含需要在获取相关用户后立即显示为通知的数据。使用Action Cable成功管理了此问题。我创建了一个rake任务,它从队列中获取消息并执行所需的处理。该任务应该在无限循环中运行。我有2个问题吗?

namespace :sqs_consumer do
  desc 'Get data from the AWS-SQS and process it.'
  task start: :environment do
    # initialize the sqs client
    loop do
      #read the queue for messages and process them in batches(if any)


2)我想监控任务。我正在使用monit。不幸的是,Monit conf同样似乎不起作用。我做错了什么或错过了什么?

check process aws_sqs_consumer with pidfile /var/www/myproject/shared/pids/sqs_consumer.pid
  start program = "/bin/sh -c 'cd /var/www/myproject/current; nohup bundle exec rake sqs_consumer:start RAILS_ENV=staging -i 0 -P /var/www/myproject/shared/pids/sqs_consumer.pid >> log/sqs_consumer.log 2>&1 &'" as uid ubuntu and gid ubuntu
  stop program = "/bin/sh -c 'kill $(cat /var/www/myproject/shared/pids/sqs_consumer.pid)'" as uid ubuntu and gid ubuntu

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


check process aws_sqs_consumer with pidfile /var/www/myproject/shared/tmp/pids/sqs_consumer.pid
  start program = "/bin/sh -c 'cd /var/www/myproject/current && BACKGROUND=y PIDFILE=/var/www/myproject/shared/tmp/pids/sqs_consumer.pid LOG_LEVEL=info bundle exec rake sqs_consumer:start RAILS_ENV=staging'"
  stop program = "/bin/sh -c 'kill $(cat /var/www/myproject/shared/tmp/pids/sqs_consumer.pid)'" as uid ubuntu and gid ubuntu with timeout 90 seconds