我正在使用new MIDI API来播放一些MIDI音符。但是,我无法听到任何声音,也没有任何异常被抛出。相同的代码如下:
//initialising the MidiReceiver
private MidiReceiver midiReceiver;
midiReceiver = new MidiReceiver() {
public void onSend(byte[] msg, int offset,
int count, long timestamp) throws IOException {
/*Then in my loop containing note_on or note_off events*/
byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
int numBytes = 0;
int channel = 2; // MIDI channels 1-16 are encoded as 0-15.
// NOTE_STATUS is either 0x90 or 0x80
buffer[numBytes++] = (byte)(NOTE_STATUS + (channel - 1));
buffer[numBytes++] = (byte)noteValue; // the required MIDI pitch
buffer[numBytes++] = (byte)127; // max velocity
int offset = 0;
midiReceiver.send(buffer, offset, numBytes);