我在一个名为Chatterbot 0.6的框架上工作。它是用Python编写的。
var $msg_holder = undefined;
$msg_holder = $("#message_holder");
/**Function that appends a String (msg) to a DOM element ($dom)
*@param msg being the String to append (String object or literal string)
*@param $dom being a JQobject/JQselection of a DOM element to append the msg to
function appendToDom(msg, $dom){
/**Function that append a String (msg) to the Message Holder
*@param msg being the String to append (String object or string literal)
function appendToMessageHolder(msg){
appendToDom("<li>"+msg+"</li>", $("#message_holder"));
/**Function that gets the amount of messages currently on the page
*@return the amount of messages currently on the page (unsigned integer)
function processMsgCount(){
var $ul = $("#message_holder");
var $li = $ul.children("li");
return Math.abs($li.length);//overkill to ensure that a positive number is returned
/**Function that determines if it's the User's turn to give a sentence (in the scenario bot-->user user-->bot)
*@return TRUE if it's indeed the user's turn, FALSE otherwise
function isUserTurn(){
var ret = false;
var MSGcount = processMsgCount();
//if odd, then it's the User's turn
if(MSGcount%2 != 0){
ret = true
return ret;
/**Function that determines if it's the Bot's turn to give a sentence (in the scenario bot-->user user-->bot)
*@return TRUE if it's indeed the bot's turn, FALSE otherwise
function isBotTurn(){
return !isUserTurn();
/**Function that displays the User's Input (wrapper function)
*@param msg being the user input itself (String object or literal string)
function displayUserInput(msg){
//condition is overkill, but meh 200% > 100%
scrollToLastMessage();//scroll down when new message
// console.log("user tried to input a sentence when it was the bot's turn :x");
console.error("user tried to input a sentence when it was the bot's turn :x");
/**Function that displays the Bot's Response to the User's Input (or display the initial sentence)
*@param msg being the bot's message/response (String object or literal string)
function displayBotResponse(msg){
//condition is overkill, but meh 200% > 100%
scrollToLastMessage();//scroll down when new message
// console.log("how the fuck did the bot try to give another message without user's input ?_?");
console.error("how the fuck did the bot try to give another message without user's input ?_?");
很抱歉标签使用不当 - '
答案 0 :(得分:0)