我需要编写一些显示1-12随机单个号码/卡的代码,然后玩家猜测下一张牌是高于还是低于第一张牌/号码。 (如果他们猜对了,那么他们会再次出局,如果他们猜错了(他们说更高或更低,反之亦然),他们输了,比赛就结束了。如果他们连续四次猜测他们就赢了。
你能伸出援助之手吗?import random
guessesTaken = 0
print('Hello! I am going to show you a card, guess whether the next card is higher or lower, get four in a row to win!')
number = random.randint(1, 12)
number1 = random.randint(1, 12)
number2 = random.randint(1, 12)
number3 = random.randint(1, 12)
number4 = random.randint(1, 12)
#five variables for five cards, all random cards between 1 and 12
print('Well I am thinking of a card between 1 and 12, the first number is:')
print (number) #shows them first card
while guessesTaken < 5: #limit number of guesses to make game less than 4 to win?
print('Take a guess, is the next card higher or lower? Please enter a number from 1 to 12.')
guess = input()
guess = str(guess) # limit input to "h" or "l"?
guessesTaken = guessesTaken + 1 #increment guesses taken
if guess = h and guess !> number1:
print ("you lose")
if guess =l and guess !< number1:
print('you lose')
if guess = h and guess !< number1:
print ("well done")
#ask about next card
if guess =l and guess !> number1:
print('well done')
#ask about next card
if guess == number1:
print ('you lose it was neither higher nor lower')
#basically I know the middle comparison for values higher or lower for the four cards can be done with a loop, just not sure how, very new to this.
import random
guessesTaken = 0
print('Hello! I am going to show you a card, guess whether the next card is higher or lower, get four in a row to win!')
number = random.randint(1, 12)
#five variables for five cards, all random cards between 1 and 12
print('Well I am thinking of a card between 1 and 12, the first number is:')
print (number) #shows them first card
guess = input('Take a guess, is the next card higher or lower? Please enter either "h" or "l".')
while guessesTaken <= 4: #limit number of guesses to make game less than 4 to win?
if guessesTaken == 4:
print("You win")
nextnumber = random.randint(1,12)
if guess == "h" and nextnumber <= number:
print ("you lose")
elif guess == "l" and nextnumber >= number:
print ("you lose")
guess = input("the card was" + str(nextnumber) + "is the next card higher or lower?")
guessesTaken += 1 #increment guesses taken
number = nextnumber
答案 0 :(得分:0)
好吧,让我们让你的代码变得更加pythonic ......
import random
# See that it generates 5 unique random number from 1 to 12
# (not including 13) thus simulating a deck of cards,
# where cards cannot repeat. We add a None in the end to
# indicate end of deck
deck = random.sample(range(1, 13), DECK_SIZE) + [None]
# use of the zip method to create pairs of cards to compare
# (the final card will be a None, so we can see when cards ended)
for card,next_card in zip(deck[:-1],deck[1:]):
if next_card == None: # End of deck, user won the game
print("You won")
# we calculate the expected correct guess
# based on the pair of cards
correct_guess = "h" if next_card > card else "l"
# We get the user input
guess = input("card is {card} is next h or l? ".format(card=card))
# We verify if user input is the expected correct guess
if guess != correct_guess:
print("You lost, card was {next_card}".format(next_card=next_card))