我在当前的React项目中有一个要求,要将当前页面的特定div从客户端转换为.ppt(不是pdf或image)。 反正有没有直接这样做?
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finalOutputDoc.Save(@" C:\ temp \ temp.html",Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.Html);
//Next convert to powerpoint
//Create Empty presentation instance//Create Empty presentation instance
//using (Aspose.Slides.Presentation pres = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation())
//Create Empty presentation instance//Create Empty presentation instance
//Create Empty presentation instance//Create Empty presentation instance
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
//Acesss the default first slide of presentation
ISlide slide = pres.Slides[0];
//Adding the AutoShape to accomodate the HTML content
IAutoShape ashape = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 10, 10, pres.SlideSize.Size.Width - 20, pres.SlideSize.Size.Height - 10);
ashape.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.NoFill;
//Adding text frame to the shape
//Clearing all paragraphs in added text frame
//Loading the HTML file using stream reader
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(@"C:\temp\temp.html");
//Adding text from HTML stream reader in text frame
//Saving Presentation
pres.Save(@"C:\temp\output.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);