我正在使用WinForms和MVP(模型 - 视图 - 演示者)方法。
private void ValidateFormBeforeDiagram(object sedner, OptionOneCheckedEventArgs e) {
try {
//Create variables
int pagesUp = e.IsOptionOneChecked ? view.OptionOneAround : view.OptionTwoAround;
int pagesAcross = e.IsOptionOneChecked ? view.OptionOneAcross : view.OptionTwoAcross;
float pageWidth = e.IsOptionOneChecked ? view.PageSizeLength : view.PageSizeWidth;
float pageLength = e.IsOptionOneChecked ? view.PageSizeWidth : view.PageSizeLength;
ParametersToCreatePrintingDiagram parameters = new ParametersToCreatePrintingDiagram(view.SheetSizeAcross, view.SheetSizeAround,
pagesUp, pagesAcross, pageWidth, pageLength);
//Check if form is open, if so close it
if (Application.OpenForms.OfType<PrintingDesignForm>().Any()) {
//Create a new instance of the form
PrintingDesignForm form = new PrintingDesignForm();
float ratio = 0;
//If rectangle is larger than the client viewable size then scale the rectangle so it will fit.
if (parameters.RectangleHeight > form.ClientRectangle.Height || parameters.RectangleWidth > form.ClientRectangle.Height) {
var ratioX = form.ClientRectangle.Height / parameters.RectangleHeight;
var ratioY = form.ClientRectangle.Width / parameters.RectangleWidth;
ratio = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY);
parameters.RectangleHeight = parameters.RectangleHeight * ratio - parameters.RectangleXPosition;
parameters.RectangleWidth = parameters.RectangleWidth * ratio - parameters.RectangleYPosition;
//Draw the main rectangle
form.Paint += (se, pe) => {
var r = new Rectangle(parameters.RectangleXPosition, parameters.RectangleYPosition,
(int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleWidth), (int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleHeight));
var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204));
pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, r);
using (var pen = new Pen(brush.Color, 2))
pe.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, r);
int leftXInches;
int topYInches;
int xInch = 0;
int yInch = 0;
List<Rectangle> rectArr = new List<Rectangle>();
//Calculate the smaller rectangle sizes and positions
for (int i = 1; i < parameters.PagesUp; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < parameters.PagesAcross; j++) {
if (e.IsOptionOneChecked) {
leftXInches = (int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleXPosition
+ ((view.SheetSizeAcross - (view.PageSizeLength * view.OptionOneAcross) - (view.OptionOneAcross - 1) * view.Bleeds) / 2)
+ ((j - 1) * parameters.PageWidth)
+ ((j - 1) * view.Bleeds));
topYInches = (int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleYPosition
+ ((view.SheetSizeAround - (view.PageSizeLength * view.OptionOneAround) - (view.OptionOneAround - 1) * view.Bleeds) / 2)
+ ((i - 1) * parameters.PageHeight)
+ ((i - 1) * view.Bleeds));
else {
leftXInches = (int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleXPosition
+ ((view.SheetSizeAcross - (view.PageSizeWidth * view.OptionTwoAcross) - (view.OptionTwoAcross - 1) * view.Bleeds) / 2)
+ ((j - 1) * parameters.PageWidth)
+ ((j - 1) * view.Bleeds));
topYInches = (int)Math.Round(parameters.RectangleYPosition
+ ((view.SheetSizeAround - (view.PageSizeLength * view.OptionTwoAround) - (view.OptionTwoAround - 1) * view.Bleeds) / 2)
+ ((i - 1) * parameters.PageHeight)
+ ((i - 1) * view.Bleeds));
var width = (int)((Math.Round(parameters.PageWidth) * 72) * ratio);
var height = (int)((Math.Round(parameters.PageHeight) * 72) * ratio);
yInch = (int)Math.Round((topYInches * 72) * ratio);
//Increase the xInch every loop as you need to make sure that there is room for other rectangles
if (j == 1) {
xInch = (int)Math.Round((leftXInches * 72) * ratio);
else {
xInch += width + 20;
//Add rectangle with specs ready to be painted onto the form
rectArr.Add(new Rectangle(xInch, yInch, width, height));
//Paint the smaller rectangles onto the form
for (int i = 0; i < rectArr.Count; i++) {
form.Paint += (se, pe) => {
var r = rectArr[i]; //Exception occurs on this line
var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0));
pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, r);
using (var pen = new Pen(brush.Color, 2))
pe.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, r);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogErrorToView(this, new ErrorEventArgs(ex.Message));