
时间:2017-05-14 19:20:01

标签: php str-replace





' badwords'



' BADWORDS' ,'坏词'等等。



$ badword [$ key] = $ word;



$ badword [$ key] = $ word。" &#34 ;;

然后我会遇到更大的问题,因为如果坏词是 CON 那么它会删除一个单词 CONSTANT



BADWORD。 badword#badword,

function badWordFilter($data)
    $wordlist = file_get_contents("badwordsnew.txt");
    $words = explode(",", $wordlist);

    $badword = array();
    $replacementword = array();

    foreach ($words as $key => $word) 
       $badword[$key] = $word." ";
       $replacementword[$key] = addStars($word);

    return str_ireplace($badword,$replacementword,$data);

function addStars($word) 
    $length = strlen($word);

    return "*" . substr($word, 1, 1) . str_repeat("*", $length - 2)." " ;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

假设 public async Task<IActionResult> Details(string _AccId) { if (_AccId == null) { return NotFound(); } var accs = await _context.Accounts .Include(Cust => Cust.Customers) //To reflect the Name of the Customer to whom the account belongs .Include(Bal => Bal.Balances).OrderByDescending(Balances.Report_Date) //For relevant Sub-Table on Accounts' detail page to show the balances on in shape of Report_Date (but in a descending sorted manner) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(m => m.SrcSys == _SrcSys && m.CustId == _CustId && m.AccId == _AccId); return View(accs); } 是需要审核的文字,$data会将包含错误字词的文字作为badWordFilter()返回。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我能够在@maxchehab回答的帮助下回答我自己的问题,但我无法宣布他的回答,因为它在某些方面有错。我发布了这个答案,所以其他人可以在他们需要一个BAD WORD FILTER时使用这段代码。

function badWordFinder($data)
    $data = " " . $data . " ";  //adding white space at the beginning and end of $data will help stripped bad words located at the begging and/or end.        

    $badwordlist = "bad,words,here,comma separated,no space before and after the word(s),multiple word is allowed"; //file_get_contents("badwordsnew.txt"); //
    $badwords = explode(",", $badwordlist);

    $capturedBadwords = array();

    foreach ($badwords as $bad) 
        if(stripos($data, $bad))
            array_push($capturedBadwords, $bad);

    return badWordFilter($data, $capturedBadwords);

function badWordFilter($data, array $capturedBadwords)

    $specialCharacters = ["!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","+",".",","," "];

    foreach ($specialCharacters as $endingAt) 
      foreach ($capturedBadwords as $bad) 
          $data = str_ireplace($bad.$endingAt, addStars($bad), $data);   

    return trim($data);

function addStars($bad) 
    $length = strlen($bad);

    return "*" . substr($bad, 1, 1) . str_repeat("*", $length - 2)." ";

$str = 'i am bad words but i cant post it here because it is not allowed by the website some bad words# here with bad. ending in specia character but my code is badly strong so i can captured and striped those bad words.';

echo "$str<br><br>";

echo badWordFinder($str);