VBA Userform保存下次的值

时间:2017-05-13 06:57:26

标签: excel vba excel-vba textbox userform


我希望用户在设置页面的文本框中输入路径,并在每次加载用户窗体时使用此路径字符串。用户每次打开用户表单时都不必输入路径。 如何使Excel VBA存储路径直到下次加载?


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Public Path As String

然后在UserForm模块上有TextBox AfterUpdate事件的以下代码...

Private Sub TextBox1_AfterUpdate()
Path = TextBox1.Value
End Sub


答案 1 :(得分:0)


函数“SavedDataFileName”是您声明要存储要记住的数据的位置的位置。您可以使用任何您喜欢的位置。代码指定了C:\Users\[Your Name]之类的位置。您也可以更改文件名。关键是所有这些都存储在一个地方,从那里读取文件和写入文件时。

Option Explicit

Function SavedDataFileName() As String
    ' create this as a function to be called by various parts of your code
    ' so that you don't have to repeat it in many places in case of future change

    SavedDataFileName = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\SavedPath.txt"
End Function

下一个函数读取刚刚指定的文本文件。实际上,这是我准备好的代码。因此,它具有读取许多数据的能力。你只想读一个 - 路径。它会那样做。

Function TextFile(Ffn As String, _
                  MaxLines As Integer) As String()
    ' 17 Oct 2016

    Dim Fun() As String                             ' Function return
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Fid As Integer                              ' File ID

    If Len(Dir(Ffn)) Then
        ReDim Fun(MaxLines)                         ' arbitrary maximum
        Fid = FreeFile()
        Open Ffn For Input As #Fid
        While Not EOF(Fid)
            Line Input #Fid, Fun(i)
            Fun(i) = Trim(Fun(i))
            i = i + 1
        Close #Fid
        ReDim Preserve Fun(i - 1)
    End If
    TextFile = Fun
End Function


第一个过程在表单初始化时运行,这意味着在首次创建时 - 启动时。

Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' 13 May 2017

    Dim SavedData() As String

    On Error GoTo EndRetrieval
    SavedData = TextFile(SavedDataFileName, 10)
    TextBox1.Text = SavedData(0)
    ' you can pre-load more controls in your form here
End Sub



Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    ' 13 May 2017

    Dim Ffn As String                       ' Full file name

    Ffn = Trim(TextBox1.Text)
    On Error Resume Next
    MsgMe Dir(Ffn & "\", vbDirectory) & ", " & Len(Dir(Ffn & "\", vbDirectory))
    Cancel = (Len(Ffn) = 0) Or (Len(Dir(Ffn & "\", vbDirectory)) = 0)
    If Not Cancel Then Cancel = CBool(Err.Number)    ' in case Dir(Ffn) caused an error

    If Cancel Then
        MsgBox "The path you entered isn't valid." & vbCr & _
               "Please enter a valid path."
        TextBox1.Text = Ffn                ' removed leading/trailing blanks
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    ' 12 May 2017

    Open SavedDataFileName For Output As #1
    Print #1, TextBox1.Text
    ' you can write more data to be  remembered here
    Close #1
End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我建议使用SaveSetting appname, section, key, setting存储数据 和GetSetting appname , section, key [, default ]来检索值。


Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    ' Save Setting to the windows registry
    ' usually values are stored at the following path:
    ' Computer\HKEY_USERS\{user-guid}\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings
    SaveSetting "YourApplication", "UserFormXYZ", "TextBox1", TextBox1.Text
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    dim defaultPath   As String
    dim userPath      As String
    ' set defaultPath as you require

    ' get settings from Registry
    userPath = GetSetting("YourApplication", "UserFormXYZ", "TextBox1", defaultPath)
    TextBox1.Text = userPath
End Sub

答案 3 :(得分:0)


除了@Ralph 的有效评论之外,我还想展示一种经常不被考虑的方式:将值直接存储到自定义文档属性 (CDP) 中:


  • UserForm_Activate() 只是在用户表单的任何激活时重新显示存储的值。
  • TextBox1_Exit() 将任何路径值更改立即存储到 CDP MyPath
Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Purp.: Display (stored) MyPath value on activation
    'MsgBox "Current value of MyPath = " & MyPath
    'display current value in textbox
    Me.TextBox1 = MyPath
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    '(only for comparison)
    Dim OldPath As String
    OldPath = MyPath
    'store changed Path value
    MyPath = Me.TextBox1
    MsgBox "Changed MyPath " & vbNewLine & _
           "from: " & OldPath & vbNewLine & _
           "to:   " & MyPath
End Sub

用户表单代码部分 (2) - CDP 相关

由于任何用户窗体仅代表一种特殊的,您甚至可以在用户窗体代码模块中使用 Get/Let 属性以及检查有效性的布尔函数。


Private Property Get MyPath() As Variant
    Const STOREDPATH As String = "MyPath"
    Dim cdps As DocumentProperties
    Set cdps = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
    If CDPExists(STOREDPATH) Then MyPath = cdps.Item(STOREDPATH)
End Property

Private Property Let MyPath(ByVal CDPValue)
    Const STOREDPATH As String = "MyPath"
    Dim cdps As DocumentProperties
    Set cdps = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties

    If Not CDPExists(STOREDPATH) Then
        cdps.Add Name:=STOREDPATH, LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:=CDPValue
        cdps.Item(STOREDPATH) = CDPValue
    End If
End Property

Private Function CDPExists(CDPName As String) As Boolean
' Purp.: return True|False if Custom Document Property (CDP) name exists
' Meth.: loop thru CustomDocumentProperties and check for existing sCDPName parameter
' Site : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41766268/check-if-builtindocumentproperty-is-set-without-error-trapping
    Dim cdps As DocumentProperties
    Set cdps = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
    Dim boo  As Boolean                               ' boolean value showing element exists
    Dim cdp  As DocumentProperty                      ' element of CustomDocumentProperties Collection
    For Each cdp In cdps
        If LCase(cdp.Name) = LCase(CDPName) Then
            boo = True                                ' heureka
            Exit For                                  ' exit loop
        End If
    CDPExists = boo                                   ' return value to function
End Function


类似于最后一个函数检查自定义 doc props,一个相关的长者帖子对待Check if built-in doc property is set without error trapping