打印出最后一行,然后再次运行程序Y / N.

时间:2017-05-11 21:35:26

标签: c++





我还在学习C ++,所以任何帮助都会受到赞赏。


// GuessingGameApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>//added to run string
#include <locale>//added toupper run again

using namespace std;    

int main()
    //Seed the random number generator
    int selectedNumber = rand() % 20 + 1; int numberOfTries = 0;
    int inputtedGuess;
    std::cout << "Guess My Number Game\n\n";
    //Ask the user for a value until the correct number is entered
    do {
        std::cout << "Enter a guess between 1 and 20:";
        std::cin >> inputtedGuess;
        if (inputtedGuess > 20 || inputtedGuess < 1) {
            cout << "Your guess is out of range.\n\n";
        else if (inputtedGuess > selectedNumber) {
            cout << "Too high!\n\n";
        else if (inputtedGuess < selectedNumber) {
            cout << "Too low!\n\n";
    while (inputtedGuess != selectedNumber);

    //Congratulate the user and end the program
    std::cout << "\nCongratulations! You solved it in " << numberOfTries << "   tries!\n" << std::endl;

    //fix problem with console closing and (add "play again" option), so I can 
    //printf; did not work... Break did not work..

    return 0;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

实际上应该打印输出的最后一行。最后一行&#34;没有打印的原因&#34;可能是你的IDE在你看到最终输出之前关闭了控制台(尽管它应该在那里)。许多IDE允许在程序终止后使控制台可见。顺便说一句:请注意,在粘贴代码时,您可能会在<< std::endl之前丢失std::cout << "\nCongratulations! You solved it in " << numberOfTries << " tries!\n" std::endl;但这实际上是一个复制粘贴问题,因为您的程序不会编译。

无论如何,通过提供&#34;再试一次?&#34; -logic,您的程序不会终止并且问题就解决了。

我建议提供一个执行猜测的单独函数,然后在带有"Try again=" - 问题的do-while循环中调用。

void guess() {
   // your code (except srand) goes here...

int main() {

    srand(time(0));  //Seed the random number generator only once

    char doAgain;
    do {
        cout << "Try again (Y/N)?";
        cin >> doAgain;
    while (toupper(doAgain)=='Y');
    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


int choice = 0;

do {
  // first part of code..

  do { 
     // inner do-while
  } while (inputtedGuess != selectedNumber);

  std::cout << "\nCongratulations! You solved it in " << numberOfTries << " tries!\n" std::endl; 

  cout << "\nWould you like to play again?\n\n";
  cout << "1 - Yes\n";
  cout << "2 - No\n\n";

  cout << "Choice: ";
  cin >> choice;

} while(choice == 1);