
时间:2017-05-10 10:50:58

标签: r dataframe data.table

我有一个超过130 000行的data.table。

我想通过变量dates对两个cols progressid进行分组,然后将值放在向量中,以便我使用aggregate()

df_agr <- aggregate(cbind(progress, dates) ~ id, data = df_test, FUN = c)

然而,聚合数据大约需要52秒+我从col dates中丢失了日期格式。


            id      dates progress
 1:  3505H6856 2003-07-10      yes
 2:  3505H6856 2003-08-21      yes
 3:  3505H6856 2003-09-04      yes
 4:  3505H6856 2003-10-16      yes
 5: 3505H67158 2003-01-14      yes
 6: 3505H67158 2003-02-18      yes
 7: 3505H67862 2003-03-06      yes
 8: 3505H62168 2003-04-24       no
 9: 3505H62168 2003-05-15      yes
10: 3505H65277 2003-02-11      yes


          id   progress       dates
1 3505H62168       1, 2        5, 6
2 3505H65277          2           2
3 3505H67158       2, 2        1, 3
4 3505H67862          2           4
5  3505H6856 2, 2, 2, 2        7, 8, 9, 10

我很惊讶地看到所有内容都转换为integer +每行似乎包含“独立”向量,实际上是列表中的向量:

'data.frame':   5 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ id      : chr  "3505H62168" "3505H65277" "3505H67158" "3505H67862" ...
 $ progress:List of 5
  ..$ 1: int  1 2
  ..$ 2: int 2
  ..$ 3: int  2 2
  ..$ 4: int 2
  ..$ 5: int  2 2 2 2
 $ dates   :List of 5
  ..$ 1: int  5 6
  ..$ 2: int 2
  ..$ 3: int  1 3
  ..$ 4: int 4
  ..$ 5: int  7 8 9 10


lapply(df_agr$dates, function(x) as.Date(x, origin="1970-01-01"))


[1] "1970-01-06" "1970-01-07"

[1] "1970-01-03"

[1] "1970-01-02" "1970-01-04"

[1] "1970-01-05"

[1] "1970-01-08" "1970-01-09" "1970-01-10" "1970-01-11"




setDT(df)[,list(col1 = c(progress), col2 = c(dates)), by = .(unique(id))]



[.data.table中的错误(df ,, list(col1 = c(进度),col2 =   c(日期)),:'by'或'keyby'列表中的项目是length(5)。   每个必须与x中的行或i返回的行数相同   (10)。


structure(list(id = c("3505H6856", "3505H6856", "3505H6856", 
"3505H6856", "3505H67158", "3505H67158", "3505H67862", "3505H62168", 
"3505H62168", "3505H65277"), dates = structure(c(12243, 12285, 
12299, 12341, 12066, 12101, 12117, 12166, 12187, 12094), class = "Date"), 
    progress = c("yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", "yes", 
    "no", "yes", "yes")), .Names = c("id", "dates", "progress"
), class = c("data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -10L

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以使用paste0我认为如下所示,您需要将日期更改为字符,以便它不会转换为其数字对应项,在查询下方运行而不将日期转换为数字将为您提供值比如,12166,12187。在你的查询中,你也在使用&#34; c&#34;至于组合对象,但是我们应该使用paste来组合,当你使用时也会在data.table中使用。(id)in by它应该为你提供唯一的值,除非你的查询有一些东西没有让事物变得独特在这种情况下,如果您避免崩溃声明,您将无法获得ID上的唯一键,我希望这是有帮助的。感谢:

df_agr <- aggregate(cbind(progress, as.character(dates)) ~ id, data = df, FUN = paste0)

> df_agr
          id           progress                                             V2
1 3505H62168            no, yes                         2003-04-24, 2003-05-15
2 3505H65277                yes                                     2003-02-11
3 3505H67158           yes, yes                         2003-01-14, 2003-02-18
4 3505H67862                yes                                     2003-03-06
5  3505H6856 yes, yes, yes, yes 2003-07-10, 2003-08-21, 2003-09-04, 2003-10-16


setDT(df)[,.(paste0(progress,collapse=","), paste0(as.character(dates),collapse=",")), by = .(id)]

           id              V1                                          V2
1:  3505H6856 yes,yes,yes,yes 2003-07-10,2003-08-21,2003-09-04,2003-10-16
2: 3505H67158         yes,yes                       2003-01-14,2003-02-18
3: 3505H67862             yes                                  2003-03-06
4: 3505H62168          no,yes                       2003-04-24,2003-05-15
5: 3505H65277             yes                                  2003-02-11


setDT(df)[, lapply(.SD, toString), by = id]

答案 1 :(得分:0)


df %>% 
   group_by(id) %>%
   summarize (progress = paste(progress, collapse=","),
              dates = paste(dates, collapse=",") )

#          id        progress                                       dates
#        <chr>           <chr>                                       <chr>
# 1 3505H62168          no,yes                       2003-04-24,2003-05-15
# 2 3505H65277             yes                                  2003-02-11
# 3 3505H67158         yes,yes                       2003-01-14,2003-02-18
# 4 3505H67862             yes                                  2003-03-06
# 5  3505H6856 yes,yes,yes,yes 2003-07-10,2003-08-21,2003-09-04,2003-10-16