
时间:2017-05-09 07:20:17

标签: java python python-2.7 apache-spark pyspark

所以,我试图使用以下内容在Python 2.7中创建一个Spark会话:

#Initialize SparkSession and SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession  
from pyspark import SparkContext

#Create a Spark Session
SpSession = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .master("local[2]") \
    .appName("V2 Maestros") \
    .config("spark.executor.memory", "1g") \
    .config("spark.cores.max","2") \
    .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:///c:/temp/spark-warehouse")\

#Get the Spark Context from Spark Session    
SpContext = SpSession.sparkContext


Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number


import atexit
import os
import sys
import select
import signal
import shlex
import socket
import platform
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

if sys.version >= '3':
    xrange = range

from py4j.java_gateway import java_import, JavaGateway, GatewayClient
from py4j.java_collections import ListConverter

from pyspark.serializers import read_int

# patching ListConverter, or it will convert bytearray into Java ArrayList
def can_convert_list(self, obj):
    return isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, xrange))

ListConverter.can_convert = can_convert_list

def launch_gateway():
    if "PYSPARK_GATEWAY_PORT" in os.environ:
        gateway_port = int(os.environ["PYSPARK_GATEWAY_PORT"])
        SPARK_HOME = os.environ["SPARK_HOME"]
        # Launch the Py4j gateway using Spark's run command so that we pick up the
        # proper classpath and settings from spark-env.sh
        on_windows = platform.system() == "Windows"
        script = "./bin/spark-submit.cmd" if on_windows else "./bin/spark-submit"
        submit_args = os.environ.get("PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS", "pyspark-shell")
        if os.environ.get("SPARK_TESTING"):
            submit_args = ' '.join([
                "--conf spark.ui.enabled=false",
        command = [os.path.join(SPARK_HOME, script)] + shlex.split(submit_args)

        # Start a socket that will be used by PythonGatewayServer to communicate its port to us
        callback_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        callback_socket.bind(('', 0))
        callback_host, callback_port = callback_socket.getsockname()
        env = dict(os.environ)
        env['_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_HOST'] = callback_host
        env['_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_PORT'] = str(callback_port)

        # Launch the Java gateway.
        # We open a pipe to stdin so that the Java gateway can die when the pipe is broken
        if not on_windows:
            # Don't send ctrl-c / SIGINT to the Java gateway:
            def preexec_func():
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
            proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_func, env=env)
            # preexec_fn not supported on Windows
            proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, env=env)

        gateway_port = None
        # We use select() here in order to avoid blocking indefinitely if the subprocess dies
        # before connecting
        while gateway_port is None and proc.poll() is None:
            timeout = 1  # (seconds)
            readable, _, _ = select.select([callback_socket], [], [], timeout)
            if callback_socket in readable:
                gateway_connection = callback_socket.accept()[0]
                # Determine which ephemeral port the server started on:
                gateway_port = read_int(gateway_connection.makefile(mode="rb"))
        if gateway_port is None:
            raise Exception("Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number")

        # In Windows, ensure the Java child processes do not linger after Python has exited.
        # In UNIX-based systems, the child process can kill itself on broken pipe (i.e. when
        # the parent process' stdin sends an EOF). In Windows, however, this is not possible
        # because java.lang.Process reads directly from the parent process' stdin, contending
        # with any opportunity to read an EOF from the parent. Note that this is only best
        # effort and will not take effect if the python process is violently terminated.
        if on_windows:
            # In Windows, the child process here is "spark-submit.cmd", not the JVM itself
            # (because the UNIX "exec" command is not available). This means we cannot simply
            # call proc.kill(), which kills only the "spark-submit.cmd" process but not the
            # JVMs. Instead, we use "taskkill" with the tree-kill option "/t" to terminate all
            # child processes in the tree (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491009.aspx)
            def killChild():
                Popen(["cmd", "/c", "taskkill", "/f", "/t", "/pid", str(proc.pid)])

    # Connect to the gateway
    gateway = JavaGateway(GatewayClient(port=gateway_port), auto_convert=True)

    # Import the classes used by PySpark
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.SparkConf")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.api.java.*")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.api.python.*")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.ml.python.*")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.mllib.api.python.*")
    # TODO(davies): move into sql
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.sql.*")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "org.apache.spark.sql.hive.*")
    java_import(gateway.jvm, "scala.Tuple2")

    return gateway

我对Spark和Pyspark很新,因此无法在这里调试问题。我还试着看看其他一些建议: Spark + Python - Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number?Pyspark: Exception: Java gateway process exited before sending the driver its port number



# This script loads spark-env.sh if it exists, and ensures it is only loaded once.
# spark-env.sh is loaded from SPARK_CONF_DIR if set, or within the current directory's
# conf/ subdirectory.

# Figure out where Spark is installed
if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
  export SPARK_HOME="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)"

if [ -z "$SPARK_ENV_LOADED" ]; then

  # Returns the parent of the directory this script lives in.


  if [ -f "${user_conf_dir}/spark-env.sh" ]; then
    # Promote all variable declarations to environment (exported) variables
    set -a
    . "${user_conf_dir}/spark-env.sh"
    set +a

# Setting SPARK_SCALA_VERSION if not already set.

if [ -z "$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION" ]; then


  if [[ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" && -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR1" ]]; then
    echo -e "Presence of build for both scala versions(SCALA 2.10 and SCALA 2.11) detected." 1>&2
    echo -e 'Either clean one of them or, export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION=2.11 in spark-env.sh.' 1>&2
    exit 1

  if [ -d "$ASSEMBLY_DIR2" ]; then
    export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION="2.11"
    export SPARK_SCALA_VERSION="2.10"


import os
import sys

# NOTE: Please change the folder paths to your current setup.
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    #Where you downloaded the resource bundle
    os.chdir("E:/Udemy - Spark/SparkPythonDoBigDataAnalytics-Resources")
    #Where you installed spark.    
    os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = 'E:/Udemy - Spark/Apache Spark/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'
#other platforms - linux/mac
    os.chdir("/Users/kponnambalam/Dropbox/V2Maestros/Modules/Apache Spark/Python")
    os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = '/users/kponnambalam/products/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7'


# Create a variable for our root path
SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']
# Create a variable for our root path
SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']

#Add the following paths to the system path. Please check your installation
#to make sure that these zip files actually exist. The names might change
#as versions change.

#Initialize SparkSession and SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession  
from pyspark import SparkContext

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我有同样的问题 幸运的是我找到了原因。

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Check Pyspark').master("local").getOrCreate()
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('CheckPyspark').master("local").getOrCreate()
print spark.sparkContext.parallelize(range(6), 3).collect()

注意第二行和第三行之间的区别 如果AppName之后的参数如此'Check Pyspark',则会出现错误(例外:Java网关进程...)。

答案 1 :(得分:3)

阅读了很多帖子后,我终于让Spark在我的Windows笔记本电脑上工作了。我使用Anaconda Python,但我相信这也适用于标准分配。

因此,您需要确保可以独立运行Spark。我的假设是您安装了有效的python路径和Java。对于Java,我在Path中定义了“C:\ ProgramData \ Oracle \ Java \ javapath”,它重定向到我的Java8 bin文件夹。

  1. https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html下载预构建的Hadoop版本的Spark并将其解压缩,例如到C:\ spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7
  2. 创建环境变量SPARK_HOME,稍后您将需要pyspark来获取本地Spark安装。
  3. 转到%SPARK_HOME%\ bin并尝试运行pyspark,这是Python Spark shell。如果您的环境与我的一样,您将看到无法找到winutils和hadoop的例外情况。第二个例外是关于丢失Hive:


  4. 然后我发现并简单地跟着https://jaceklaskowski.gitbooks.io/mastering-apache-spark/spark-tips-and-tricks-running-spark-windows.html 具体做法是:

  5. 下载winutils,把它放到c:\ hadoop \ bin。创建HADOOP_HOME环境并将%HADOOP_HOME%\ bin添加到PATH。
  6. 为Hive创建目录,例如c:\ tmp \ hive并在管理员模式下以cmd运行winutils.exe chmod -R 777 C:\tmp\hive
  7. 然后转到%SPARK_HOME%\ bin并确保在运行pyspark时,您会在ASCII中看到一个不错的Spark徽标:enter image description here 请注意,需要定义sc spark上下文变量。
  8. 好吧,我的主要目的是在我的IDE中使用自动完成的pyspark,这就是SPARK_HOME(第2步)发挥作用的时候。如果一切设置正确,您应该看到以下几行:
  9. enter image description here


答案 2 :(得分:1)

从我的猜测"这是你的java版本的问题。也许你安装了两个不同的java版本。此外,您似乎正在使用从某处复制和粘贴的代码来设置SPARK_HOME等。有很多简单的示例如何设置Spark。它看起来像你正在使用Windows。我建议采用* NIX环境来测试,因为这样更容易,例如您可以使用brew安装Spark。 Windows并不是真的为此做的......

答案 3 :(得分:0)

在使用python 2.7在Windows 10上使用我的JAVA_HOME系统环境变量后,我遇到了完全相同的问题:我尝试使用相同的错误消息为Pyspark(基于V2-Maestros Udemy课程)运行相同的配置脚本“在向驱动程序发送端口号之前退出Java网关进程”。

经过几次尝试解决问题后,唯一能解决的问题是从我的机器上卸载所有版本的java(有三个版本),删除JAVA_HOME系统变量以及PATH系统中的记录与JAVA_HOME相关的变量;之后我执行了Java jre V1.8.0_141的干净安装,在Windows系统环境中重新配置了JAVA_HOME和PATH条目,并重新启动了我的机器,最后让脚本工作。
