我正在进行文本到语音演示,我正在使用语音合成器。 我的问题是,当我点击播放按钮时,页面会不断加载。 即使演讲结束,它也不会停止。我的演示暂停和恢复也无法正常工作。
演示使用语音合成器 -
SpeechSynthesizer spRead;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Creating new object of SpeechSynthesizer.
spRead = new SpeechSynthesizer();
} // Page_Load
protected void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the content data as per the content id
_contentData = new ContentFormData(ContentManager.GetContentData(Page.Database, ContentId, Page.IsLive));
// Get the text after trim
_speechText = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(_contentData.Content.Text1.Trim());
// If Speech Text is not null
// then check the button class, if cssclass is play change it to pause
and call speak method.
if (_speechText != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_speechText))
// if button is play buttton
// then call play method and speech the text
if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-play")
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-play",
// creating the object of SpeechSynthesizer class
spRead = new SpeechSynthesizer();
spRead.SpeakCompleted += new
// If button class is pause
// then change it to continue and call pause method.
else if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-pause")
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-pause",
if (spRead != null)
// Check the state of spRead, and call pause method.
if (spRead.State == SynthesizerState.Speaking)
btnPlayFromStart.Enabled = true;
// If button class is continue
// then change it to pause and call resume method.
else if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-continue")
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-continue",
if (spRead != null)
// Check the state of spRead, and call resume method.
if (spRead.State == SynthesizerState.Paused)
btnPlayFromStart.Enabled = false;
private void spRead_SpeakCompleted(object sender, SpeakCompletedEventArgs e)
// If Spread is not null
// then dispose the spread after the speak is completed
// else do nothing
if (spRead != null)
// do nothing
} // spRead_SpeakCompleted
使用SpVoice进行演示 -
SpVoice voice;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_contentData = new
ContentFormData(ContentManager.GetContentData(Page.Database, ContentId,
_speechText = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(_contentData.Content.Text1.Trim());
} // Page_Load
protected void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
voice = new SpVoice();
if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-play")
voice.Speak(_speechText, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync);
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-play", "button-
else if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-pause")
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-pause", "button-
else if (btnPlay.CssClass == "button-continue")
btnPlay.CssClass = btnPlay.CssClass.Replace("button-continue",
答案 0 :(得分:0)
通过使用handeler解决问题,停止回发。 在会话中和暂停中存储语音对象,并从会话中恢复获取语音对象。