更改datepicker UI日期会出错

时间:2017-05-08 08:08:58

标签: jquery jquery-ui datepicker smarty uidatepicker

我的日期选择工作正常,直到我更改日期。更改显示的日期后:The specified value "24-05-2017" does not conform to the required format, "yyyy-MM-dd".

Smarty HTML:

{assign var="value" value=$value|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d'}
<div class="select{if $value === '1000-01-01' || $value|substr:0:4 === '1000'} no-date{/if}">
    {assign var="dateFormat" value="dd-mm-yy"}
    <div class='input-group date'>
        <input type='date' class="form-control {if $value === '1000-01-01' || $value|substr:0:4 === '1000'}no-date{/if}" name="{$name|escape}" id="edit-{$name|escape}"{if $value} value="{$value|escape}" placeholder="{$value|escape}"
               data-role="datepicker" data-date-format="{$dateFormat|escape}">


self.datepicker = function()
    if (typeof jQuery.ui !== 'undefined')
            var $this = $(this);
            var date = new Date($this.val());
            date = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getFullYear();

            var defaults = {
                showButtonPanel: true,
                dateFormat: $this.data('date-format'),
                defaultDate: date === '1-1-1000' ? null : date,
                showOtherMonths: true,
                selectOtherMonths: true,
                changeMonth: true,
                changeYear: true,
                yearRange: 'c-10:c+10'

            var options = $.extend({}, defaults, $this.data('options'));


结果: enter image description here

图像显示控制台日志和错误。我不确定&#34; yyyy-MM-dd&#34;来自,因为我从来没有分配它或在$value以外的任何地方使用它,但这对value来说是必要的,否则当我尝试用Jquery获取值日期时我得到NaN。

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