答案 0 :(得分:3)
从每个树的根递归 如果根值相似 - 继续左子树,然后右子树 任何差异 - 休息
答案 1 :(得分:1)
(equal? '(a (b (c))) '(a (b (c))))
如果我们发现树木存在任何差异,我们可以使用 call / cc 来发出提前退货。这样我们就可以跳回到调用者的延续,而不必展开堆栈。
(define (same? a b return)
((and (symbol? a) (symbol? b)) ; Both Symbols. Make sure they are the same.
(if (not (eq? a b))
(return #f)))
((and (empty? a) (empty? b))) ; Both are empty, so far so good.
((not (eq? (empty? a) (empty? b))) ; One tree is empty, must be different!
(return #f))
(same? (car a) (car b) return) ; Lets keep on looking.
(same? (cdr a) (cdr b) return)))))
call / cc 让我们捕获当前的延续。以下是我调用此过程的方法:
(call/cc (lambda (k) (same? '(a (b)) '(a (b)) k))) ; --> #t
(call/cc (lambda (k) (same? '(a (b (c) (d e))) '(a (b (c) (d e))) k))) ; --> #t
(call/cc (lambda (k) (same? '(a (b (F) (d e))) '(a (b (c) (d e))) k))) ; --> #f
(call/cc (lambda (k) (same? '(a (b)) '(a (b (c) (d))) k))) ; --> #f
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我也有一个持续的答案。但是现在我有两个延续,一个是真的,一个是假的。如果要分支结果,这非常有用。我还包括'same ?,它隐藏了所有的延续,所以你不必处理它们。
(define (same? a b)
(call/cc (λ (k) (cont-same? a b (λ () (k #t)) (λ () (k #f))))))
(define (cont-same? a b return-t return-f)
(define (atest c d)
;; Are they foo? If they both are, then true
;; If they both aren't false
;; if they are different, then we are done
(if (and c d)
(if (or c d)
(if (atest (null? a) (null? b)) ;; Are they both null, or both not null.
(if (atest (pair? a) (pair? b))
(cont-same? (car a)
(car b)
(λ () (cont-same? (cdr a) (cdr b) ;; If the head are the same, compare the tails
return-t return-f)) ;; and if the tails are the same, then the entire thing is the same
(if (equal? a b) ;; Both are atoms