var listOfAliases = null;
lambda.invoke(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(`This is the ERROR execution =${err} =================================`);
} else {
//context.succeed('Data loaded from DB: '+ data.Payload);
listOfAliases = JSON.stringify(data.Payload);
console.log(`This is the VALIDE execution =${data.Payload} =================================`); //I can see this in the log with proper values
console.log(`This is the VALIDE execution(listOfAliases) =${listOfAliases} =================================`); //I can see this in the log with proper values
callback(null, JSON.parse(data.Payload));
console.log(`This is the DB execution listOfAliases=${listOfAliases} =================================`); //I can see this in the log with NULL value