
时间:2017-05-06 23:02:52

标签: php mysql mysqli

// include resize class plugin script

// if conditional check if upload form has been submitted
if($_POST['imgsubmit']=='UPLOAD') {

    // set directory name based on property id
    $dirname = $_GET['p'];

    // set image type id to standard image type id
    //$imageType = '0';

    // set added by based on session user ID
    //$addedBy = $_SESSION['roleid'];

    // define the path to the folder which will hold your home images
    //make a properties folder in the imgs directory
    $productsFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/pyro-pizza/lib/img/products/';

    // define full path to property ID folder
    $fullpath = $productsFolder.$dirname.'/';
    //echo ($fullpath);
    // if properties folder does not exist, make it then set its permissions to read/write all 777
    //checks to see if a directory file exists
        //mkdir making a directory
        //chmod change permissions to the folder
        chmod($productsFolder, 0777);

    // if no sub directory exists for this property
    if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
//echo $fullpath;
        // recheck for property directory

            // create array of acceptable file types (pjpeg is for progressive jpeg, jpg/jpeg are the same save for extension length)
            $fileType= array('gif','jpeg','pjpeg','jpg','png');

            // set max file size in MB

                // if uploaded file's type is in the file type array (after removeing 'image/') && the file size is less then max size multiplied by the number of bytes in a single MB
                if (in_array(str_replace("image/","",$_FILES['photo']['type']),$fileType) && $_FILES['photo']['size'] < ($maxSize*1000000)){

                    // check if a file with the same name of the uploaded file exists in the property ID directory
                    if (file_exists($fullpath . $_FILES["photo"]["name"])) {
                    $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">". $_FILES["photo"]["name"] . " already exists.</p>";
                    } else {
                    // move uploaded file from temporary storage to specified directory
                    move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], ($fullpath . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]));

                    //=================================================================================== Create Thumbnail
                    // *** 1) Initialise / load image
                    $resizeObj = new resize($fullpath . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't create Thumbnail object</p>"; }
                    // *** 2) Resize image (options: exact, portrait, landscape, auto, crop)
                    $resizeObj -> resizeImage(180, 180, 'crop',0);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't resize Thumbnail</p>"; }
                    // *** 3) Save image
                    $resizeObj -> saveImage($fullpath . '180_'.$_FILES["photo"]["name"], 100);
                    //=================================================================================== Create full size
                    // *** 1) Initialise / load image
                    $resizeObj = new resize($fullpath . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't create Full Size object</p>"; }
                    // *** 2) Resize image (options: exact, portrait, landscape, auto, crop)
                    $resizeObj -> resizeImage(700, 700, 'crop',0);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't resize Full Size</p>"; }
                    // *** 3) Save image
                    $resizeObj -> saveImage($fullpath . '700_'.$_FILES["photo"]["name"], 100);
                    //=================================================================================== Create Primary size
                    // *** 1) Initialise / load image
                    $resizeObj = new resize($fullpath . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't create Primary Size object</p>"; }
                    // *** 2) Resize image (options: exact, portrait, landscape, auto, crop)
                    $resizeObj -> resizeImage(450, 450, 'landscape',0);
                    if(!resizeObj) { $upload_msg .= "<p class=\"alert\">Didn't resize Primary Size</p>"; }
                    // *** 3) Save image
                    $resizeObj -> saveImage($fullpath . '450_'.$_FILES["photo"]["name"], 100);

                    // insert image data into database
                    $sql= "INSERT INTO `images`(`imageid`, `productid`, `caption` , `active`, `filename`, `addeddate`)
                    VALUES (NULL,'".$dirname."','".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['caption'])."',1,'".$_FILES["photo"]["name"]."',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
                    //echo ($sql);
                    $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);




<h3>Image Upload and Edit Section:</h3>
    <form id="addphotos" class="stylized img-uploader-margin" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="img-uploader-margin">
    <label class="required" for="photo">Photo </label>
    <input type="file" name="photo" id="photo"/>

    <label class="required" for="caption">Caption</label>
    <input type="text" class="text required" id="caption" name="caption" size="24" />

    <div class="update-product-btn-container">
    <input type="submit" name="imgsubmit" value="UPLOAD" />
        // SELECT imgs from DB
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `images` WHERE `productid` = ".$_GET['p'].";";
        $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
        //echo $sql;
        // Display all images
                while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
                $tmp = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/pyro-pizza/lib/img/products/'.$row['productid'].'/180_'.$row['filename'];
                    // if thumbnail image exists echo link to full size of full size
                    if (file_exists($tmp)) {
                    echo '<a rel="expand" href="'.'/pyro-pizza/lib/img/products/'.$row['productid'].'/700_'.$row['filename'].'" target="_blank" class="thumb"><img src="'.'lib/img/products/'.$row['productid'].'/180_'.$row['filename'].'" class="thumb" alt="'.$row['caption'].'"/></a>';
                    echo'<a class="trainer-image-edit" href="edit-images.php?p='.$row['productid'].'&img='.$row['imageid'].'&act=mkp">Make Primary</a>';
                    echo'<a class="trainer-image-edit" href="edit-images.php?p='.$row['productid'].'&img='.$row['imageid'].'&act=del&filename='.$row['filename'].'">Delete</a>';



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