
时间:2010-12-07 21:55:07

标签: perl bash unix



system(bin/someapp do-action --option1 some_value --input $piped_in_data)


bin/someapp do-action --option1 some_value --input some_file

基本上,我想要的是将所有数据写入变量或STDOUT,然后通过SAME Perl脚本或模块中的系统调用将其传输到Java应用程序。这将使我的代码更加流畅。如果没有它,我最终需要编写一个Perl脚本,该脚本调用一半的bash文件,反过来需要调用另一个Perl脚本来准备数据。如果可能的话,我很乐意在整个过程中留在Perl。有什么想法吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

如果我正确地阅读你的问题,你想要产生一个进程,并且能够写入它的stdin并从它的stdout读取。如果是这种情况,那么IPC::Open2正是您所需要的。 (另请参阅IPC::Open3,您还需要阅读流程'stderr。)



use strict;
use warnings;

use IPC::Open2;

# Sample data -- ignore this.
my @words = qw(the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog);

# Automatically reap child processes.  This is important when forking.

# Spawn the external process here.  Change this to the process you need.
open2(*READER, *WRITER, "wc -c") or die "wc -c: $!";

# Fork into a child process.  The child process will write the data, while the
# parent process reads data back from the process.  We need to fork in case
# the process' output buffer fills up and it hangs waiting for someone to read
# its output.  This could cause a deadlock.
my $pid;
defined($pid = fork()) or die "fork: $!";

if (!$pid) {
    # This is the child.

    # Close handle to process' stdout; the child doesn't need it.
    close READER;

    # Write out some data.  Change this to print out your data.
    print WRITER $words[rand(@words)], " " for (1..100000);

    # Then close the handle to the process' stdin.
    close WRITER;
    # Terminate the child.

# Parent closes its handle to the process' stdin immediately!  As long as one
# process has an open handle, the program on the receiving end of the data will
# never see EOF and may continue waiting.
close WRITER;

# Read in data from the process.  Change this to whatever you need to do to
# process the incoming data.
print "READ: $_" while (<READER>);

# Close the handle to the process' stdin.  After this call, the process should
# be finished executing and will terminate on its own.
close READER;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果它只接受文件,则让它打开“/ proc / self / fd / 0”,这与STDIN相同。其余的,请参阅cdhowies answer。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

如果您只想将程序中的STDOUT传输到其他程序的STDIN,则可以通过标准Perl open命令执行此操作:

open (CMD, "|$command") or die qq(Couldn't execute $command for piping);


print CMD $dataToCommand;


close (CMD);



$ perldoc -f open



$ perldoc IPC::Open2