Error found:
in module Test
at /Users/arahael/dev/test/test.purs line 14, column 37 - line 14, column 59
Could not match constrained type
(Spreadable a0) => Array a0 -> Int
with type
(Spreadable a1) => Array a1 -> Int
while trying to match type (Spreadable a0) => Array a0 -> Int
with type (Spreadable a1) => Array a1 -> Int
while checking that expression mkFn2 get_biscuits
has type Fn2 String (forall a. (Spreadable a) => Array a -> Int) Int
in value declaration packetMaker
where a1 is a rigid type variable
a0 is a rigid type variable
See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
module Test
foreign import data Fn2 :: * -> * -> * -> *
foreign import mkFn2 :: forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> Fn2 a b c
class Spreadable a
newtype Packet = Packet { getBiscuits :: Fn2 String (forall a. (Spreadable a) => Array a -> Int) Int }
get_biscuits :: String -> (forall a. (Spreadable a) => Array a -> Int) -> Int
get_biscuits _ _ = 42
packetMaker = Packet { getBiscuits: mkFn2 ( get_biscuits ) }
在什么情况下可能会出现这样的情况。不相容? (重新解释一下这个问题:示例中a0和a1之间的区别是什么?我打算将这些函数变为多态的a)
module Test
class Spreadable a
newtype Packet = Packet { getBiscuits :: String -> (forall a. (Spreadable a) => Array a -> Int) -> Int }
get_biscuits :: String -> (forall a. (Spreadable a) => Array a -> Int) -> Int
get_biscuits _ _ = 42
packetMaker :: Packet
packetMaker = Packet { getBiscuits: \a b -> get_biscuits a b}
但是,我需要这是一个javascript风格的" Fn2"功能,即一个需要两个参数的功能,而不是咖喱;而我无法与Fn2合作。有什么建议吗?