
时间:2017-05-06 02:54:46

标签: c++


初始状态:State: [(true (cell 1 1 8)), (true (cell 1 2 7)), (true (cell 1 3 6)), (true (cell 2 1 5)), (true (cell 2 2 4)), (true (cell 2 3 3)), (true (cell 3 1 2)), (true (cell 3 2 1)), (true (cell 3 3 b)), (true (step 0))] Hash=1241d9

(move 3 2) State: [(true (cell 1 1 8)), (true (cell 1 2 7)), (true (cell 1 3 6)), (true (cell 2 1 5)), (true (cell 2 2 4)), (true (cell 2 3 3)), (true (cell 3 1 2)), (true (cell 3 2 b)), (true (cell 3 3 1)), (true (step 1))] Hash=123eed


我已经编写了一个只有一步作为参考的代码,并将其他状态的每个单元格与参考状态的单元格进行比较。我的代码如下。现在我坚持以多个状态作为参考,找到最佳匹配(与参考状态单元相同的最大单元数),然后与游戏的其他状态进行比较。 谢谢。  `

int main()

    int x=0; //reference node number
    ifstream inputFile("8puzzle_1strun.txt");   // attach input stream to file
    ofstream outputFile("output_8puzzle_1strun.txt");
    vector<string> textLines;   // vector that will store all the file lines
    string line;
        std::cerr << "Can't open input file!\n";

    int number_of_lines = 0;
    while(getline(inputFile, line))      // read the text line by line
        textLines.push_back(line);    // store each line as vector element

    outputFile<<"Reference Node is: \n " << textLines.at(x) << "\n" <<endl;

    cout << "textlines size:"<< textLines.size()<< endl;

    vector < vector<string> > input_array;

    for (int i=0;i<textLines.size();i++){
        vector <string> input_cell;
        string part=textLines.at(i);
        string token;
        istringstream is(part);

        while (getline(is,token,'[')){
            while (getline (is, token ,',')){
                //cout <<token<<endl;


    int size_of_array = input_array[0].size();
    cout<<"array size:"<<size_of_array<< endl;

    vector <string> reference_state_cell;
    string token1;
    for (int j=0;j<65;j++){
    for (int k=0;k<5;k++){
    string part1=textLines.at(k);
    istringstream ls(part1);

    while (getline(ls,token1,'[')){
      while (getline (ls,token1,',')){

     cout << reference_state_cell[j] <<endl;
    // comparing all the states with the reference state//

    for(int f=0; f<textLines.size(); f++){
        for(int j=0; j<65; j++){
            string str1 = reference_state_cell[j];
            string str2 = input_array[f][j];

            if (str1.compare(str2) == 0)    // when two strings are equal
            outputFile << "," ;
            else{                                    //when two strings are not equal
              outputFile<< input_array[f][j];

           outputFile << endl;





  1. 在仅获取一个状态(从2个参考状态)后,我们需要将该状态的每个单元格与其他状态进行比较。

  2. 在比较期间,我们刚刚打印的细胞与参考状态细胞相同&#34;,&#34;其他单元格需要打印出来,不做任何改动。

  3. 4.对于游戏的所有五十个状态,同样的过程继续进行。

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