
时间:2017-05-05 15:38:45

标签: r shiny


  1. 允许日历选择器中的最小级别为月份(而不是默认的每日最低级别),即引入新的参数minviewmode =&#34; days&#34;,&#34; months&#34;。< / LI>
  2. 允许函数updateDateRangeInput修改参数格式,startview和minviewmode,以便从daterangeinput切换到每日日历选择器到具有月度日历选择器的日期。
  3. 使用Display only months in dateRangeInput or dateInput for a shiny app [R programming]我可以解决1。


    #### check for updates at https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/input-daterange.R
    dateRangeMonthsInput <- function(inputId, label, start = NULL, end = NULL,
                           min = NULL, max = NULL, format = "yyyy-mm-dd", startview = "month", minviewmode = "days",
                           weekstart = 0, language = "en", separator = " to ", width = NULL) {
     # If start and end are date objects, convert to a string with yyyy-mm-dd format
     # Same for min and max
     if (inherits(start, "Date"))  start <- format(start, "%Y-%m-%d")
     if (inherits(end,   "Date"))  end   <- format(end,   "%Y-%m-%d")
     if (inherits(min,   "Date"))  min   <- format(min,   "%Y-%m-%d")
     if (inherits(max,   "Date"))  max   <- format(max,   "%Y-%m-%d")
     restored <- restoreInput(id = inputId, default = list(start, end))
     start <- restored[[1]]
     end <- restored[[2]]
      div(id = inputId,
        class = "shiny-date-range-input form-group shiny-input-container",
        style = if (!is.null(width)) paste0("width: ", validateCssUnit(width), ";"),
        controlLabel(inputId, label),
        # input-daterange class is needed for dropdown behavior
        div(class = "input-daterange input-group",
              class = "input-sm form-control",
              type = "text",
              `data-date-language` = language,
              `data-date-week-start` = weekstart,
              `data-date-format` = format,
              `data-date-start-view` = startview,
              `data-date-min-view-mode` = minviewmode,
              `data-min-date` = min,
              `data-max-date` = max,
              `data-initial-date` = start
            span(class = "input-group-addon", separator),
              class = "input-sm form-control",
              type = "text",
              `data-date-language` = language,
              `data-date-week-start` = weekstart,
              `data-date-format` = format,
              `data-date-start-view` = startview,
              `data-date-min-view-mode` = minviewmode,
              `data-min-date` = min,
              `data-max-date` = max,
              `data-initial-date` = end
    `%AND%` <- function(x, y) {
      if (!is.null(x) && !is.na(x))
        if (!is.null(y) && !is.na(y))
    #### check the current version at https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/input-date.R
    controlLabel <- function(controlName, label) {
      label %AND% tags$label(class = "control-label", `for` = controlName, label)
    #### check the current version at https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/input-date.R
    datePickerDependency <- htmlDependency(
      "bootstrap-datepicker", "1.6.4", c(href = "shared/datepicker"),
      script = "js/bootstrap-datepicker.min.js",
      stylesheet = "css/bootstrap-datepicker3.min.css",
      # Need to enable noConflict mode. See #1346.
      head = "<script>
      (function() {
      var datepicker = $.fn.datepicker.noConflict();
      $.fn.bsDatepicker = datepicker;
    #### check for updates at https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/update-input.R
    updateDateRangeMonthsInput <- function(session, inputId, label = NULL,
                                      start = NULL, end = NULL, min = NULL,
                                      max = NULL
                                      # , format = "yyyy-mm-dd", startview = "month", minviewmode = "days"
                                      ) {
       # Make sure start and end are strings, not date objects. This is for
       # consistency across different locales.
       if (inherits(start, "Date"))  start <- format(start, '%Y-%m-%d')
       if (inherits(end, "Date"))    end <- format(end, '%Y-%m-%d')
       if (inherits(min, "Date"))    min <- format(min, '%Y-%m-%d')
       if (inherits(max, "Date"))    max <- format(max, '%Y-%m-%d')
       message <- dropNulls(list(
         label = label,
         value = dropNulls(list(start = start, end = end)),
         min = min,
         max = max,
         format = format,
         startview = startview,
         minviewmode = minviewmode
       session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message) ## <- https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/shiny.R
    #### check for updates at https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/master/R/utils.R
    dropNulls <- function(x) {
      x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
    ui <- basicPage(dateRangeMonthsInput("dateRange",label = "Periodo :", format = "yyyy-mm",
                                     startview = "year",
                                     minviewmode = "months", start = NULL, end = NULL),
                actionButton(inputId = "daily", label = "month")
    server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session){
                                                      start = Sys.Date()-10,
                                                      end = Sys.Date()- 5,
                                                      format = "yyyy-mm-dd",
                                                      startview = "month",
                                                      minviewmode = "days"
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

    尽管new updateDateRange函数更新了开始/结束值,但它既不会改变格式,也不会改变startview和minviewmode。


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