对我来说(诚然没有经验),一切似乎都井然有序; 我无法理解我做错了什么。
#Character Creator
#Establish defualt stats
ws = 10
st = 10
dx = 10
ht = 10
points = 30
#Tell the user about the program
Welcome to the character creator. Here you will allocate a pool of 30
points between 4 different stats: Strength, Dexterity, Health, and Wisdom.
You may also decrease any of these stats to gain extra points.
The game is over when your point pool is empty.
#Set the selection process to continue until the user has spent their points
while points > 0:
#Tell the user what their starting stats are and how to select them
print("\nHere are your current stats: ")
print("1 - Strength: ", st)
print("2 - Dexterity: ", dx)
print("3 - Health: ", ht)
print("4 - Wisdom : ", ws)
print("Remaining points: ", points)
#Let the player choose a stat to interact with
chosen_stat = input("\nSelect a stat: ")
#What to do if the player chooses Strength
if chosen_stat == "1":
print("\nYou have selected Strength.")
print("Press 1 to increase it")
print("Press 2 to decrease it")
#Establish if the stat is being increased or decreased
up_or_down_st = input("")
#If the stat is being increased
if up_or_down_st == "1":
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: ")
#Ensure that the player cannot spend more points than they have; 'while' this is where the error is
while spent_points > points:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
#Allocate the points and inform the user
st += spent_points
points -= spent_points
print("Your have spent ", spent_points, " and increased your Strength to ", st)
#The process is almost identical for decreasing stats
if up_or_down_st == "2":
gained_points = int(input("How many points will you deduct?: ")
while gained_points > st:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
st -= gained_points
points += gained_points
print("Your have gained ", gained_points, " points and decreased your Strength to ", st)
#The process is the same for all the different stats
if chosen_stat == "2":
print("\nYou have selected Dexterity.")
print("Press 1 to increase it")
print("Press 2 to decrease it")
up_or_down_dx = input("")
if up_or_down_dx == "1":
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: ")
while spent_points > points:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
dx += spent_points
points -= spent_points
print("Your have spent ", spent_points, " and increased your Strength to ", dx)
if up_or_down_dx == "2":
gained_points = int(input("How many points will you deduct?: ")
while gained_points > dx:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
dx -= gained_points
points += gained_points
print("Your have gained ", gained_points, " points and decreased your Dexterity to ", dx)
if chosen_stat == "3":
print("\nYou have selected Health.")
print("Press 1 to increase it")
print("Press 2 to decrease it")
up_or_down_ht = input("")
if up_or_down_ht == "1":
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: ")
while spent_points > points:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
ht += spent_points
points -= spent_points
print("Your have spent ", spent_points, " and increased your Health to ", ht)
if up_or_down_ht == "2":
gained_points = int(input("How many points will you deduct?: ")
while gained_points > ht:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
ht -= gained_points
points += gained_points
print("Your have gained ", gained_points, " points and decreased your Health to ", ht)
if chosen_stat == "4":
print("\nYou have selected Wisdom.")
print("Press 1 to increase it")
print("Press 2 to decrease it")
up_or_down_ws = input("")
if up_or_down_ws == "1":
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: ")
while spent_points > points:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
ws += spent_points
points -= spent_points
print("Your have spent ", spent_points, " and increased your Wisdom to ", ws)
if up_or_down_ws == "2":
gained_points = int(input("How many points will you deduct?: ")
while gained_points > ws:
print("You don't have that many points.")
spent_points = int(input("Try a lower number: ")
ws -= gained_points
points += gained_points
print("Your have gained ", gained_points, " points and decreased your Wisdom to ", ws)
#Show the final character when all the points are gone
print("You have spent all your points.")
print("Here is your completed character:")
print("Your Strength is: ", st)
print("Your Dexterity is: ", dx)
print("Your Health is: ", ht)
print("Your Wisdom is: ", ws)
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit")
while spent_points > points:
答案 0 :(得分:3)
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: ")
spent_points = int(input("How many points will you spend?: "))
另外,我应该注意,一旦你过去,你将使用if chosen_stat ==“2”:语句遇到IndentionError。看起来你在“if”语句之前隐藏了一个空格。在每个退出错误前一次退格。