答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果元素在视口上,我使用' jQuery-viewport-checker '来执行各种任务。它对我有用。这可能会对您有所帮助:
如果您没有在角度2项目中使用“jQuery”,请执行以下操作: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42295505/7532440
bower install jQuery-viewport-checker
"scripts": [
更多信息: https://github.com/dirkgroenen/jQuery-viewport-checker
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
declare var $:any;
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app works!';
classToAdd: 'visible', // Class to add to the elements when they are visible,
classToAddForFullView: 'full-visible', // Class to add when an item is completely visible in the viewport
classToRemove: 'invisible', // Class to remove before adding 'classToAdd' to the elements
removeClassAfterAnimation: false, // Remove added classes after animation has finished
offset: [100], // The offset of the elements (let them appear earlier or later). This can also be percentage based by adding a '%' at the end
invertBottomOffset: true, // Add the offset as a negative number to the element's bottom
repeat: false, // Add the possibility to remove the class if the elements are not visible
callbackFunction: function(elem, action){}, // Callback to do after a class was added to an element. Action will return "add" or "remove", depending if the class was added or removed
scrollHorizontal: false // Set to true if your website scrolls horizontal instead of vertical.
此类“可见”将在ViewPort中的元素“.dummy”类中添加。您应该根据需要更多地探索它(其他参数) 因此,您可以编写HTML代码。 我希望它有所帮助。
1):尝试更改端口ng serve --port 4200到4208(或任何其他端口)
classToAdd: 'visible', // Class to add to the elements when they are visible,
classToAddForFullView: 'full-visible', // Class to add when an item is completely visible in the viewport
classToRemove: 'invisible', // Class to remove before adding 'classToAdd' to the elements
removeClassAfterAnimation: false, // Remove added classes after animation has finished
//offset: [100], // The offset of the elements (let them appear earlier or later). This can also be percentage based by adding a '%' at the end
invertBottomOffset: true, // Add the offset as a negative number to the element's bottom
repeat: false, // Add the possibility to remove the class if the elements are not visible
callbackFunction: function(elem, action){}, // Callback to do after a class was added to an element. Action will return "add" or "remove", depending if the class was added or removed
scrollHorizontal: false // Set to true if your website scrolls horizontal instead of vertical.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
export function getY(element: HTMLElement) {
let y = element.offsetTop;
while (element.offsetParent && element.offsetParent != document.body) {
element = <HTMLElement>element.offsetParent;
y += element.offsetTop;
return y;
export function getElementOnScreen(selector: string, delta: number = 0.3): any {
let windowH = self.innerHeight;
let windowY = self.pageYOffset;
let margin = windowH * delta;
return Array
.find(el => {
let elementY = getY(el as HTMLElement);
let elementH = el.clientHeight;
let topOnScreen = (elementY - windowY) <= margin;
let bottomOnScreen = (windowY + margin) <= (elementY + elementH);
return topOnScreen && bottomOnScreen;
export function onScreen$(selector: string): Observable<boolean> {
return Observable
.fromEvent(window, 'scroll')
.map(event => getElementOnScreen(selector))
.do(element => call.api(element))
<div id="test" [class.i-am-in-viewport]="onScreen$('div#test') |async" />
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我已经使用Youtube Iframe API创建了一个演示应用程序,该应用程序在视频位于视口中时播放,在视频不在视口中时暂停。