var matched, browser;
jQuery.uaMatch = function(ua) {
ua = ua.toLowerCase();
var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || [];
return {
browser: match[1] || "",
version: match[2] || "0"
matched = jQuery.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent);
browser = {};
if (matched.browser) {
browser[matched.browser] = true;
browser.version = matched.version;
// Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari.
if (browser.chrome) {
browser.webkit = true;
} else if (browser.webkit) {
browser.safari = true;
jQuery.browser = browser;
* Phonetic driver to be used with BanglaInputManager jQuery Plugin developed by Ekushey
* This is set as default driver for BIM plugin
* @author: Hasin Hayder from Ekushey Team
* @version: 0.1
* @license: New BSD License
* @date: 2010-03-08 [8th March, 2010]
* Contact at [hasin: countdraculla@gmail.com, manchu: manchumahara@gmail.com, omi: omi: omiazad@gmail.com]
var phonetic = {
keymaps: {
'k': '\u0995',
'0': '\u09E6',
'1': '\u09E7',
'2': '\u09E8',
'3': '\u09E9',
'4': '\u09EA',
'5': '\u09EB',
'6': '\u09EC',
'7': '\u09ED',
'8': '\u09EE',
'9': '\u09EF',
'i': '\u09BF',
'I': '\u0987',
'ii': '\u09C0',
'II': '\u0988',
'e': '\u09C7',
'E': '\u098F',
'U': '\u0989',
'u': '\u09C1',
'uu': '\u09C2',
'UU': '\u098A',
'r': '\u09B0',
'WR': '\u098B',
'a': '\u09BE',
'A': '\u0986',
'ao': '\u0985',
'Ao': '\u0985',
's': '\u09B8',
't': '\u099F',
'K': '\u0996',
'kh': '\u0996',
'n': '\u09A8',
'N': '\u09A3',
'T': '\u09A4',
'Th': '\u09A5',
'd': '\u09A1',
'dh': '\u09A2',
'b': '\u09AC',
'bh': '\u09AD',
'v': '\u09AD',
'R': '\u09DC',
'Rh': '\u09DD',
'g': '\u0997',
'G': '\u0998',
'gh': '\u0998',
'h': '\u09B9',
'NG': '\u099E',
'j': '\u099C',
'J': '\u099D',
'jh': '\u099D',
'c': '\u099A',
'ch': '\u099B',
'C': '\u099B',
'th': '\u09A0',
'p': '\u09AA',
'f': '\u09AB',
'ph': '\u09AB',
'D': '\u09A6',
'Dh': '\u09A7',
'z': '\u09AF',
'y': '\u09DF',
'Ng': '\u0999',
'ng': '\u0982',
'l': '\u09B2',
'm': '\u09AE',
'sh': '\u09B6',
'S': '\u09B7',
'O': '\u0993',
'ou': '\u099C',
'OU': '\u0994',
'Ou': '\u0994',
'Oi': '\u0990',
'OI': '\u0990',
'tt': '\u09CE',
'H': '\u0983',
'.': '\u0964',
'..': '\u002E',
'HH': '\u09CD\u200C',
'NN': '\u0981',
'Y': '\u09CD\u09AF',
'w': '\u09CD\u09AC',
'W': '\u09C3',
'wr': '\u09C3',
'x': '\u0995\u09CD\u09B8',
'rY': '\u09B0\u200D\u09CD\u09AF',
'L': '\u09B2',
'Z': '\u09AF',
'P': '\u09AA',
'V': '\u09AD',
'B': '\u09AC',
'M': '\u09AE',
'X': '\u0995\u09CD\u09B8',
'F': '\u09AB',
"+": '\u09CD',
"++": "+",
"o": '\u09CB',
"oI": '\u09C8',
"oU": "\u09CC"
supportIntellisense: true,
intellisense: function(currentinput, lastcarry) {
var vowels = 'aIiUuoiiouueEiEu';
if ((vowels.indexOf(lastcarry) != -1 && vowels.indexOf(currentinput) != -1) || (lastcarry == " " && vowels.indexOf(currentinput) != -1)) {
//let's check for dhirgho i kar and dhirgho u kar :P
carry = lastcarry + currentinput;
if (carry == 'ii' || carry == 'uu')
newkeystring = currentinput;
newkeystring = currentinput.toUpperCase();
newcarry = lastcarry + newkeystring;
mods = {
keystring: newkeystring,
carry: newcarry
return mods;
return false;
* Probhat driver to be used with BanglaInputManager jQuery Plugin developed by Ekushey
* @author: Manchu Mahara from Ekushey Team
* @version: 0.1
* @license: New BSD License
* @date: 2010-03-08 [8th March, 2010]
* Contact at [hasin: countdraculla@gmail.com, manchu: manchumahara@gmail.com, omi: omi: omiazad@gmail.com]
var probhat = {
keymaps: {
'`': '\u200D',
'~': '\u007E',
'1': '\u09E7',
'2': '\u09E8',
'3': '\u09E9',
'4': '\u09EA',
'5': '\u09EB',
'6': '\u09EC',
'7': '\u09ED',
'8': '\u09EE',
'9': '\u09EF',
'0': '\u09E6',
'-': '\u002D',
'=': '\u003D',
'!': '\u0021',
'@': '\u0040',
'#': '\u0023',
'$': '\u09F3',
'%': '\u0025',
'^': '\u005E',
'&': '\u099E',
'*': '\u09CE',
'(': '\u0028',
')': '\u0029',
'_': '\u005F',
'+': '\u002B',
'q': '\u09A6',
'Q': '\u09A7',
'w': '\u09C2',
'W': '\u098A',
'e': '\u09C0',
'E': '\u0988',
'r': '\u09B0',
'R': '\u09DC',
't': '\u099F',
'T': '\u09A0',
'y': '\u098F',
'Y': '\u0990',
'u': '\u09C1',
'U': '\u0989',
'i': '\u09BF',
'I': '\u0987',
'o': '\u0993',
'O': '\u0994',
'p': '\u09AA',
'P': '\u09AB',
'[': '\u09C7',
'{': '\u09C8',
']': '\u09CB',
'}': '\u09CC',
'\\': '\u200C',
'|': '\u0965',
'a': '\u09BE',
'A': '\u0985',
's': '\u09B8',
'S': '\u09B7',
'd': '\u09A1',
'D': '\u09A2',
'f': '\u09A4',
'F': '\u09A5',
'g': '\u0997',
'G': '\u0998',
'h': '\u09B9',
'H': '\u0983',
'j': '\u099C',
'J': '\u099D',
'k': '\u0995',
'K': '\u0996',
'l': '\u09B2',
'L': '\u0982',
';': '\u003B',
':': '\u003A',
'z': '\u09DF',
'Z': '\u09AF',
'x': '\u09B6',
'X': '\u09DD',
'c': '\u099A',
'C': '\u099B',
'v': '\u0986',
'V': '\u098B',
'b': '\u09AC',
'B': '\u09AD',
'n': '\u09A8',
'N': '\u09A3',
'm': '\u09AE',
'M': '\u0999',
',': '\u002C',
'<': '\u09C3',
'.': '\u0964',
'..': '\u0965',
'>': '\u0981',
'/': '\u09CD',
'?': '\u003F'
supportIntellisense: false
* BanglaInputManager jQuery Plugin for typing bangla into web pages.
* This is the main engine and require any one or more of the following drivers
* like phonetic, probhat, unijoy or inscript.
* @author: Hasin Hayder from Ekushey Team
* @version: 0.11
* @license: New BSD License
* @date: 2010-03-08 [8th March, 2010]
* Contact at [hasin: countdraculla@gmail.com, manchu: manchumahara@gmail.com, omi: omi: omiazad@gmail.com]
* Changelog
* Nov 21, 2010 - Fixed switch key browser incompatibility issue reported by Manchu and Sarim Khan.
$.browser.chrome = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());
(function($) {
var opts;
var common = 1;
var switched = 0;
var ctrlPressed;
var lastInsertedString = "";
var writingMode = "b";
var carry;
var switchKey = "y";
$.fn.bnKb = function(options) {
var defaults = {
"switchkey": {
"webkit": "k",
"mozilla": "y",
"safari": "k",
"chrome": "k",
"msie": "y"
"driver": phonetic
// Extend our default options with those provided.
opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
writingMode = "b";
carry = "";
$(this).unbind("keypress keydown keyup");
/* Browser Specific Switch Key fix - Thanks to Sarim Khan */
if ($.browser.chrome) switchKey = opts.switchkey.chrome;
else if ($.browser.safari || $.browser.safari) switchKey = opts.switchkey.webkit;
else if ($.browser.msie) switchKey = opts.switchkey.msie;
else if ($.browser.mozilla) switchKey = opts.switchkey.mozilla;
* handle keypress event
* @param event ev
$.fn.bnKb.kp = function(ev) {
var keycode = ev.which;
var keycode = ev.keyCode ? ev.keyCode : ev.which;
var keystring = String.fromCharCode(keycode);
//lets check if writing mode is english. if so, dont process anything
if (writingMode == "e")
return true;
//end mode check
if (ctrlPressed)
$("#stat").html("Not Processing");
else {
var _carry = carry;
carry += keystring;
//processing intellisense
if (opts.driver.supportIntellisense) {
var mods = opts.driver.intellisense(keystring, _carry);
if (mods) {
keystring = mods.keystring
carry = mods.carry;
//end intellisense
var replacement = opts.driver.keymaps[carry];
if (replacement) {
$.fn.bnKb.iac(this, replacement, 1);
return false;
//carry processing end
//if no equivalent is found for carry, then try it with relpacement itself
replacement = opts.driver.keymaps[keystring];
carry = keystring;
if (replacement) {
$.fn.bnKb.iac(this, replacement, 0);
return false;
//nothing found, leave it as is
lastInsertedString = "";
return true;
* handle keydown event
* @param {event} ev
$.fn.bnKb.kd = function(ev) {
var keycode = ev.keyCode ? ev.keyCode : ev.which;
var keystring = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
if (keycode == 17 || keycode == 224 || keycode == 91) {
ctrlPressed = true;
//lets check if user pressed the switchkey, then toggle the writing mode
if (ctrlPressed && keystring == switchKey) {
(writingMode == "b") ? writingMode = "e": writingMode = "b";
//end processing switchkey
* handle keyup event
* @param event ev
$.fn.bnKb.ku = function(ev) {
var keycode = ev.keyCode ? ev.keyCode : ev.which;
if (keycode == 17 || keycode == 224 || keycode == 91) {
ctrlPressed = false;
* insert some string at current cursor position in a textarea or textbox
* @param DOMElement obj
* @param string input the string to insert in the textarea or textbox at cursor's current location
* @param int length to shift
* @param int type 0 for normal insertion, 1 for conjunct insertion
$.fn.bnKb.iac = function(obj, input, type) {
var myField = obj;
var myValue = input;
len = lastInsertedString.length;
if (!type)
len = 0;
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
if (myField.value.length >= len) { // here is that first conjunction bug in IE, if you use the > operator
sel.moveStart('character', -1 * (len));
sel.text = myValue;
else {
if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == 0) {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart - len;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
var scrollTop = myField.scrollTop;
startPos = (startPos == -1 ? myField.value.length : startPos);
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) +
myValue +
myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
myField.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length;
myField.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length;
myField.scrollTop = scrollTop;
} else {
var scrollTop = myField.scrollTop;
myField.value += myValue;
myField.scrollTop = scrollTop;
lastInsertedString = myValue;
$(document).on("click", ".bangla", function(e) {
'switchkey': {
"webkit": "k",
"mozilla": "y",
"safari": "k",
"chrome": "k",
"msie": "y"
'driver': phonetic
function enablePhonetic() {
'switchkey': {
"webkit": "k",
"mozilla": "y",
"safari": "k",
"chrome": "k",
"msie": "y"
'driver': phonetic
function enableProbhat() {
'switchkey': {
"webkit": "k",
"mozilla": "y",
"safari": "k",
"chrome": "k",
"msie": "y"
'driver': probhat
width:30% !important;
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h4>writing bengali inside input field is work correctly? </h4>
<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="ingredient_name">English</label>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="998" />
<input type="text" name="unit_name_english" value="teaspoon" class="" placeholder="Unit Name English" />
<label for="ingredient_name">Bengali</label>
<input type="text" name="unit_name_bengali" value="টেবিল চামচ" class=" bangla" placeholder="Unit Name Bengali" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
<!-- /.box-body -->
<h4><b>But my question is: </b></h4>
<h4>How to write in bengali inside contenteditable td of table? </h4>
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped ">
<th >English</th>
<th >Bengali</th>
<td contenteditable="TRUE">cup</td>
<td class="bangla" contenteditable="TRUE">cup</td>