MedicationName ID Pt Price SEQ
Drug1 123 AAA 100.00 1
Drug2 345 AAA 200.00 2
Table 2
InjectionName ID PT StarDate EndDate
Drug1 123 AAA 20170101 20991231
Drug1 123 AAA 20160417 NULL
Drug2 345 AAA 20161101 20191231
Medication MedID Price Injection InjID StartDate EndDate PT Seq
Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20170101 20991231 AAA 1
*NULL NULL NULL Drug1 123 20160417 NULL AAA NULL*
Drug2 345 200.00 Drug2 345 20161101 20191231 AAA 2
Medication MedID Price Injection InjID StartDate EndDate PT Seq
Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20170101 20991231 AAA 1
*Drug1 123 100.00 Drug1 123 20160417 NULL AAA 1*
Drug2 345 200.00 Drug2 345 20161101 20191231 AAA 2
答案 0 :(得分:0)
With Table1 As
Select 'Drug1' MedicationName , 123 ID ,'AAA' Pt ,100.00 Price,1 SEQ
Union Select 'Drug2' MedicationName , 345 ID ,'AAA' Pt ,100.00 Price,1 SEQ
Table2 As
Select 'Drug1' InjectionName, 123 ID, 'AAA' PT, 20170101 StarDate, 20991231 EndDate
Union Select 'Drug1' InjectionName, 123, 'AAA', 20160417, NULL
Union Select 'Drug2' InjectionName, 345, 'AAA', 20161101, 20191231
Table1_Id As
Cast (Row_Number() Over (Partition By MedicationName, ID Order BY MedicationName, Id) as Int) MedicationNumber,
MedicationName, Id, PT, Price, Seq
From Table1
Table2_Id As
Cast (Row_Number() Over (Partition By InjectionName, ID Order BY InjectionName, Id) as Int) InjectionNumber,
InjectionName, Id, PT, StarDate, EndDate
From Table2
Select *
From Table1_Id T1
Full Outer Join Table2_Id T2
On T1.MedicationName = T2.InjectionName
And T1.ID = T2.ID
And T1.MedicationNumber = T2.InjectionNumber