// POST: /tutors
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateTutor([FromBody] TutorViewModel vmTutor) {
if (vmTutor == null)
return new StatusCodeResult(500); // Internal Server Error
// check if the Person with given personId exists
Person person = await _unitOfWork.People.GetAsync(vmTutor.PersonId);
if (person == null) throw new Exception("Given Person doesn't exists.");
// create new Tutor entity for given Person entity
var newTutor = new Tutor
Description = vmTutor.Description,
Qualifications = vmTutor.Qualifications,
IsSuperTutor = vmTutor.IsSuperTutor,
//PersonId = vmTutor.PersonId
Person = person
// Add new Tutor to DBContext and save changes
await _unitOfWork.Tutors.AddAsync(newTutor);
vmTutor.TutorId = newTutor.TutorId;
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetTutor), new { tutorId = vmTutor.TutorId }, vmTutor);
} catch(Exception e) {
return new ObjectResult(new { error = e.Message });
上面的代码工作正常,并为给定的人添加新的Tutor到数据库,为Tutor实体生成正确的TutorId。但是,当我将newTutor.Person = person
与newTutor.PersonId = vmTutor.PersonId
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Tutors' with unique index 'IX_Tutors_PersonId'. The duplicate key value is (6).
The statement has been terminated.
// POST: /tutors
public IActionResult CreateTutor([FromBody] TutorViewModel vmTutor) {
if (vmTutor == null)
return new StatusCodeResult(500); // Internal Server Error
// check if the Person with given personId exists
Person person = _unitOfWork.People.Get(vmTutor.PersonId);
if (person == null) throw new Exception("Given Person doesn't exists.");
// create new Tutor entity for given Person entity
var newTutor = new Tutor
Description = vmTutor.Description,
Qualifications = vmTutor.Qualifications,
IsSuperTutor = vmTutor.IsSuperTutor,
PersonId = vmTutor.PersonId
//Person = person
// Add new Tutor to DBContext and save changes
vmTutor.TutorId = newTutor.TutorId;
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetTutor), new { tutorId = vmTutor.TutorId }, vmTutor);
} catch(Exception e) {
return new ObjectResult(new { error = e.Message });