
时间:2010-12-07 04:36:42

标签: arrays perl function hash bioinformatics



  1. 编写主段的一部分,为输入文件中的每一行创建一个唯一记录(固定宽度格式)。我认为这应该用substr完成,但我不知道应该如何构建它。到目前为止,解包已经超出了我的学习范围。

  3. 主程序中调用的一个函数是“距离”子,它将计算原子之间的距离。我认为这应该是For循环中的For循环。我应该采取什么方法的想法?



•原子的序列号,5位数。 (第7 - 11栏)


对于X in Angstroms cols。 31-38
对于Ys in Angstroms cols。 39-46
对于Zs in Angstroms cols。 47-54

•原子的单字母或双字母元素名称(例如C,O,N,Na)(cols 77-78)

子距离     #取一组原子记录并返回最大距离
    #在该数组中的所有原子对之间#。 (第31-54栏)


# truncating for testing purposes. Actual data is aprox. 100 columns     
# and starts with ATOM or HETATM    
ATOM   4743  CG  GLN A 704      19.896  32.017  54.717  1.00 66.44           C    
ATOM   4744  CD  GLN A 704      19.589  30.757  55.525  1.00 73.28           C    
ATOM   4745  OE1 GLN A 704      18.801  29.892  55.098  1.00 75.91           O  


use warnings;
use strict; 

my @fields;
my @recs;

while ( <DATA> ) {
@fields = split(/\s+/);
push @recs, makeRecord(@fields);

for (my $i = 0; $i < @recs; $i++) {
printRec( $recs[$i] );
my %command_table = (
  freq => \&freq,
  length => \&length,
  density => \&density,
  help => \&help, 
  quit => \&quit

print "Enter a command: ";
  while ( <STDIN> ) {
  my @line = split( /\s+/);
  my $command = shift @line;
  if ($command !~ /^freq$|^density$|length|^help$|^quit$/ ) {
    print "Command must be: freq, length, density or quit\n";
    else {
print "Enter a command: ";

sub makeRecord 
# Read the entire line and make records from the lines that contain the 
# word ATOM or HETATM in the first column. Not sure how to do this:
 my %record = 
 serialnumber => shift,
 aminoacid => shift,
 coordinates => shift,
 element  => [ @_ ]

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


my @field_specs = (
    {begin =>  7, end => 11, name => 'serialnumber'},
    {begin => 18, end => 20, name => 'aminoacid'},
    {begin => 31, end => 38, name => 'X'}, 
    {begin => 39, end => 46, name => 'Y'},
    {begin => 47, end => 54, name => 'Z'}, 
    {begin => 77, end => 78, name => 'element'},
my $unpack_template;    
my @col_names;
for my $spec (@field_specs) {
    my $offset = $spec->{begin} - 1;
    my $width  = $spec->{end} - $offset;
    $template .= "\@${offset}A$width";
    push @col_names, $spec->{name};
print "Ready to read @col_names\n using template $template ...\n";

# prints 
# Ready to read serialnumber aminoacid X Y Z element 
#  using template @6A5@17A3@30A8@38A8@46A8@76A2 ...

my @recs;
while ( <DATA> ) {                
    my %record;
    @record{@col_names} = unpack($unpack_template, $_);    
    push @recs, \%record;                

答案 1 :(得分:1)


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump 'dump';   # Use this if you want 'dump' function to work

my @records;
while ( my $record = <DATA> ) {

    next unless $record =~ /^ATOM|^HETATM/;  # Skip unwanted records

    # unpack minimizes the amount of work the code has to do ...
    # ... especially since you only want a small part of the file
    # 'x' tokens are ignored, 'A' tokens are read ...
    # The number following each token represents repetition count ...
    # ... so in this case the first 6 characters are ignored ...
    # ... and the next 5 are assigned to $serNo

    my ( $serNo, $aminoAcid, $xCoord, $yCoord, $zCoord )
        = unpack 'x6A5x6A3x10A10A10A10', $record;        # Get only what you want

    # Assign data to a hash reference

    my $recordStructure = {
                            serialnumber => $serNo,
                            aminoacid    => $aminoAcid,
                            coordinates  => [ $xCoord, $yCoord, $zCoord ],

    push @records, $recordStructure;  # Append current record

# 'dump' is really useful to view data structures. No need for PrintRec!!

dump @records;

答案 2 :(得分:1)






use warnings;
use strict;

sub makeRecord {
   my ($ser_num, $aa, $x, $y, $z, $element) = @_;
   # copying Zaid now as her/his structure looks very sensible!
   my $record = {
                  serial  => $ser_num,
                  aa      => $aa,
                  element => $element,
                  xyz     => [$x, $y, $z],
   return $record;

my $file = shift @ARGV;
my @records; # will be an array of hash references

open FILE, "<$file" or die "$!";
while (<FILE>) {
   if (/^ATOM|^HETATM/) { # only get the structure data lines
      chomp; # not necessary here, but good practice I'd say

      my @fields = split; # by default 'split' splits on whitespace

      # now use an array slice to only pass the array elements
      # you're interested in (using the positional indices from @fields):
      push @records, makeRecord(@fields[1,3,6,7,8,11]);
close FILE;


关于距离子程序:for循环中的for循环应该完成这项工作,但这是一种蛮力方式,可能需要很长时间(因为你必须做(number_of_atoms)^ 2计算),具体取决于关于输入分子的大小。为了你的任务,蛮力方法可能是可以接受的;在其他情况下,您必须决定是否支持编码的简易性或计算速度。如果你的导师也想让你记住后者,你可以看看this page(我知道你真的想要最大的距离,而你是3D,而不是2D ......)
