生成器函数(yield)比迭代器类(__next __)

时间:2017-05-02 02:15:26

标签: performance python-3.x iterator generator yield

更新(镜像最先进的知识水平)状态: 2017-05-12





下面是一个简约的代码示例,演示了表示为生成器函数的相同算法(此处:自制的Pythons range()运行速度比表示为迭代器类的速度快得多:

def   gnrtYieldRange(startWith, endAt, step=1): 
    while startWith <= endAt: 
        yield startWith
        startWith += step
class iterClassRange:
    def __init__(self, startWith, endAt, step=1): 
        self.startWith = startWith - 1
        self.endAt     = endAt
        self.step      = step
    def __iter__(self): 
        return self
    def __next__(self): 
        self.startWith += self.step
        if self.startWith <= self.endAt:
            return self.startWith
            raise StopIteration

N = 10000000
print("    Size of created list N = {} elements (ints 1 to N)".format(N))

from time import time as t
from customRange import gnrtYieldRange as cthnYieldRange
from customRange import cintYieldRange
from customRange import iterClassRange as cthnClassRange
from customRange import cdefClassRange

iterPythnRangeObj =          range(1, N+1)
gnrtYieldRangeObj = gnrtYieldRange(1, N)
cthnYieldRangeObj = cthnYieldRange(1, N)
cintYieldRangeObj = cintYieldRange(1, N)
iterClassRangeObj = iterClassRange(1, N)
cthnClassRangeObj = cthnClassRange(1, N)
cdefClassRangeObj = cdefClassRange(1, N)

sEXECs = [ 
    "liPR = list(iterPythnRangeObj)",
    "lgYR = list(gnrtYieldRangeObj)",
    "lcYR = list(cthnYieldRangeObj)",
    "liGR = list(cintYieldRangeObj)",
    "liCR = list(iterClassRangeObj)",
    "lcCR = list(cthnClassRangeObj)",
    "ldCR = list(cdefClassRangeObj)"

sCOMMENTs = [ 
    "Python3 own range(1, N+1) used here as reference for timings  ",
    "self-made range generator function using yield (run as it is) ",
    "self-made range (with yield) run from module created by Cython",
    "Cython-optimized self-made range (using yield) run from module",
    "self-made range as iterator class using __next__() and return ",
    "self-made range (using __next__) from module created by Cython",
    "Cython-optimized self-made range (using __next__) from module "

for idx, sEXEC in enumerate(sEXECs): 
    s=t();exec(sEXEC);e=t();print("{} takes: {:3.1f} sec.".format(sCOMMENTs[idx], e-s))
print("All created lists are equal:", all([liPR == lgYR, lgYR == lcYR, lcYR == liGR, liGR == liCR, liCR == lcCR, lcCR == ldCR]) )
print("Run on Linux Mint 18.1, used Cython.__version__ == '0.25.2'")


>python3.6 -u "gnrtFunction-fasterThan-iterClass_runMe.py"
    Size of created list N = 10000000 elements (ints 1 to N)
Python3 own range(1, N+1) used here as reference for timings   takes: 0.2 sec.
self-made range generator function using yield (run as it is)  takes: 1.1 sec.
self-made range (with yield) run from module created by Cython takes: 0.5 sec.
Cython-optimized self-made range (using yield) run from module takes: 0.3 sec.
self-made range as iterator class using __next__() and return  takes: 3.9 sec.
self-made range (using __next__) from module created by Cython takes: 3.3 sec.
Cython-optimized self-made range (using __next__) from module  takes: 0.2 sec.
All created lists are equal: True
Run on Linux Mint 18.1, used Cython.__version__ == '0.25.2'
>Exit code: 0




customRange.pyx - Cython文件从:

def gnrtYieldRange(startWith, endAt, step=1): 
    while startWith <= endAt: 
        yield startWith
        startWith += step

class iterClassRange:
    def __init__(self, startWith, endAt, step=1): 
        self.startWith = startWith - 1
        self.endAt     = endAt
        self.step      = step
    def __iter__(self): 
        return self
    def __next__(self): 
        self.startWith += self.step
        if self.startWith <= self.endAt:
            return self.startWith
            raise StopIteration

def cintYieldRange(int startWith, int endAt, int step=1): 
    while startWith <= endAt: 
        yield startWith
        startWith += step

cdef class cdefClassRange:
    cdef int startWith
    cdef int endAt
    cdef int step

    def __init__(self, int startWith, int endAt, int step=1): 
        self.startWith = startWith - 1
        self.endAt     = endAt
        self.step      = step
    def __iter__(self): 
        return self
    def __next__(self): 
        self.startWith += self.step
        if self.startWith <= self.endAt:
            return self.startWith
            raise StopIteration

和用于创建Python customRange-setup.py模块的设置文件customRange

import sys
sys.argv += ['build_ext',  '--inplace']

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build   import cythonize

  name = 'customRange',
  ext_modules = cythonize("customRange.pyx"),

<小时/> <小时/> 现在有一些进一步的信息使得更容易理解所提供的答案:

当我问这个问题时,我正忙于一个相当复杂的问题 用于使用yield从生成器函数形式的非唯一列表生成唯一组合的算法。我的目标是使用此算法创建一个用C语言编写的Python模块,以使其运行得更快。为此,我使用yield__next__()重写了使用return到迭代器类的生成器函数。当我比较算法的两个变体的速度时,我很惊讶迭代器类比生成器函数慢两倍,并且我(错误地)认为它与我的方式有关重写了算法(你需要知道这个,如果你想更好地理解这里的答案是什么),那么




在下面提供的Python脚本代码中,使用带有function的Python yield并使用class实现了从非唯一元素列表创建唯一组合的完全相同的算法与__next__。代码可以在复制/粘贴后运行,因此您可以自己查看我正在谈论的内容。

纯Python代码观察到的同样现象传播到由Cython创建的脚本代码创建的Python扩展模块的C代码中,所以它不仅限于Python级代码,因为它不会#39 ;在C代码级别消失。



执行速度的巨大差异来自哪里?   有没有什么可以让两个代码变体以相当的速度运行?与函数/ yield变量相比,类/下一个实现是否出现了问题?根据我的知识,两者都是完全相同的代码...


def uniqCmboYieldIter(lstItems, lenCmbo):
    dctCounter = {}
    lenLstItems = len(lstItems)
    for idx in range(lenLstItems):
        item = lstItems[idx]
        if item in dctCounter.keys(): 
            dctCounter[item] += 1
            dctCounter[item]  = 1
    lstUniqs   = sorted(dctCounter.keys())
    lstCntRpts = [dctCounter[item] for item in lstUniqs]
    lenUniqs   = len(lstUniqs)
    cmboAsIdxUniqs = [None] * lenCmbo
    multiplicities = [0] * lenUniqs
    idxIntoCmbo, idxIntoUniqs = 0, 0

    while idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo and idxIntoUniqs != lenUniqs:
        count = min(lstCntRpts[idxIntoUniqs], lenCmbo-idxIntoCmbo)
        cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo : idxIntoCmbo + count] = [idxIntoUniqs] * count
        multiplicities[idxIntoUniqs] = count
        idxIntoCmbo  += count
        idxIntoUniqs += 1

    if idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo:

    while True:
        yield tuple(lstUniqs[idxUniqs] for idxUniqs in cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        for idxIntoCmbo in reversed(range(lenCmbo)):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            y = x + 1

            if y < lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] < lstCntRpts[y]:

        for idxIntoCmbo in range(idxIntoCmbo, lenCmbo):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo] = y
            multiplicities[x] -= 1
            multiplicities[y] += 1
            # print("# multiplicities:", multiplicities)

            while y != lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] == lstCntRpts[y]:
                y += 1

            if y == lenUniqs:

class uniqCmboClassIter:
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __iter__(self):
       return self

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, lstItems, lenCmbo):
        dctCounter = {}
        lenLstItems = len(lstItems)
        for idx in range(lenLstItems):
            item = lstItems[idx]
            if item in dctCounter.keys(): 
                dctCounter[item] += 1
                dctCounter[item]  = 1

        self.lstUniqs   = sorted(dctCounter.keys())
        self.lenUniqs   = len(self.lstUniqs)
        self.lstCntRpts = [dctCounter[item] for item in self.lstUniqs]

        self.lenCmbo        = lenCmbo
        self.cmboAsIdxUniqs = [None] * lenCmbo
        self.multiplicities = [0] * self.lenUniqs
        self.idxIntoCmbo, self.idxIntoUniqs = 0, 0

        while self.idxIntoCmbo != self.lenCmbo and self.idxIntoUniqs != self.lenUniqs:
            count = min(self.lstCntRpts[self.idxIntoUniqs], self.lenCmbo-self.idxIntoCmbo)
            self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo : self.idxIntoCmbo + count] = [self.idxIntoUniqs] * count
            self.multiplicities[self.idxIntoUniqs] = count
            self.idxIntoCmbo  += count
            self.idxIntoUniqs += 1
            # print("self.multiplicities:", self.multiplicities)
            # print("self.cmboAsIdxUniqs:", self.cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        if self.idxIntoCmbo != self.lenCmbo:

        self.stopIteration = False
        self.x = None
        self.y = None


    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __next__(self):

        if self.stopIteration is True:
            raise StopIteration

        nextCmbo = tuple(self.lstUniqs[idxUniqs] for idxUniqs in self.cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        for self.idxIntoCmbo in reversed(range(self.lenCmbo)):
            self.x = self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo]
            self.y = self.x + 1

            if self.y < self.lenUniqs and self.multiplicities[self.y] < self.lstCntRpts[self.y]:
            self.stopIteration = True
            return nextCmbo

        for self.idxIntoCmbo in range(self.idxIntoCmbo, self.lenCmbo):
            self.x = self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo]
            self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo] = self.y
            self.multiplicities[self.x] -= 1
            self.multiplicities[self.y] += 1
            # print("# multiplicities:", multiplicities)

            while self.y != self.lenUniqs and self.multiplicities[self.y] == self.lstCntRpts[self.y]:
                self.y += 1

            if self.y == self.lenUniqs:

        return nextCmbo

# ============================================================================================================================================
lstSize   = 48 # 48
uniqLevel =  12 # (7 ~60% unique) higher level => more unique items in the generated list 
aList = []
from random import randint
for _ in range(lstSize):
    aList.append( ( randint(1,uniqLevel), randint(1,uniqLevel) ) )
lenCmbo = 6
percUnique = 100.0 - 100.0*(lstSize-len(set(aList)))/lstSize
print("========================  lenCmbo:", lenCmbo, 
      "   sizeOfList:", len(aList), 
      "   noOfUniqueInList", len(set(aList)), 
      "   percUnique",  int(percUnique) ) 

import time
from itertools import combinations
# itertools.combinations
# ---
# def   uniqCmboYieldIter(lstItems, lenCmbo):
# class uniqCmboClassIter: def __init__(self, lstItems, lenCmbo):
# ---
start_time = time.time()
print("Combos:%9i"%len(list(combinations(aList, lenCmbo))), " ", end='')
duration = time.time() - start_time
print("print(len(list(     combinations(aList, lenCmbo)))):",  "{:9.5f}".format(duration), "seconds.")

start_time = time.time()
print("Combos:%9i"%len(list(uniqCmboYieldIter(aList, lenCmbo))), " ", end='')
duration = time.time() - start_time
print("print(len(list(uniqCmboYieldIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):",  "{:9.5f}".format(duration), "seconds.")

start_time = time.time()
print("Combos:%9i"%len(list(uniqCmboClassIter(aList, lenCmbo))), " ", end='')
duration = time.time() - start_time
print("print(len(list(uniqCmboClassIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):", "{:9.5f}".format(duration), "seconds.")


>python3.6 -u "nonRecursiveUniqueCombos_Cg.py"
========================  lenCmbo: 6    sizeOfList: 48    noOfUniqueInList 32    percUnique 66
Combos: 12271512  print(len(list(     combinations(aList, lenCmbo)))):   2.04635 seconds.
Combos:  1296058  print(len(list(uniqCmboYieldIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):   3.25447 seconds.
Combos:  1296058  print(len(list(uniqCmboClassIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):   5.97371 seconds.
>Exit code: 0
  [2017-05-02_03:23]  207474 <-Chrs,Keys-> 1277194 OnSave(): '/home/claudio/CgMint18/_Cg.DIR/ClaudioOnline/at-stackoverflow/bySubject/uniqueCombinations/nonRecursiveUniqueCombos_Cg.py'
>python3.6 -u "nonRecursiveUniqueCombos_Cg.py"
========================  lenCmbo: 6    sizeOfList: 48    noOfUniqueInList 22    percUnique 45
Combos: 12271512  print(len(list(     combinations(aList, lenCmbo)))):   2.05199 seconds.
Combos:   191072  print(len(list(uniqCmboYieldIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):   0.47343 seconds.
Combos:   191072  print(len(list(uniqCmboClassIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):   0.89860 seconds.
>Exit code: 0
  [2017-05-02_03:23]  207476 <-Chrs,Keys-> 1277202 OnSave(): '/home/claudio/CgMint18/_Cg.DIR/ClaudioOnline/at-stackoverflow/bySubject/uniqueCombinations/nonRecursiveUniqueCombos_Cg.py'
>python3.6 -u "nonRecursiveUniqueCombos_Cg.py"
========================  lenCmbo: 6    sizeOfList: 48    noOfUniqueInList 43    percUnique 89
Combos: 12271512  print(len(list(     combinations(aList, lenCmbo)))):   2.17285 seconds.
Combos:  6560701  print(len(list(uniqCmboYieldIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):  16.72573 seconds.
Combos:  6560701  print(len(list(uniqCmboClassIter(aList, lenCmbo)))):  31.17714 seconds.
>Exit code: 0




考虑到生成的更快版本的C扩展模块仍然不够快,无法与itertools.combinations竞争,因此深入了解在使用时导致减速的确切原因并不是很有意义。迭代器类与迭代器函数相比如何克服这个问题。使用Cython找到加速更快版本的方法更有意义,特别是因为我是编写Python扩展模块的新手,在经过数小时的专注工作花费在调整现有C代码上之后无法创建工作代码itertools.combinations由于Segmentation Fault错误而自行修改,我无法理解其中的原因。


运行良好的Cython代码和速度优化的Cython代码,它以某种方式发生变化(我目前无法看到原因)算法的工作方式因此产生了错误的结果。 Cython优化背后的想法是在Cython代码中使用Python / Cython数组而不是Python列表。任何提示如何从新手使用的算法中获得更快速运行的Python扩展模块&#34; safe&#34;方式是受欢迎的。

def subbags_by_loops_with_dict_counter(lstItems, int lenCmbo):

    dctCounter = {}
    cdef int lenLstItems = len(lstItems)
    cdef int idx = 0
    for idx in range(lenLstItems):
        item = lstItems[idx]
        if item in dctCounter.keys(): 
            dctCounter[item] += 1
            dctCounter[item]  = 1
    lstUniqs   = sorted(dctCounter.keys())
    lstCntRpts = [dctCounter[item] for item in lstUniqs]

    cdef int lenUniqs   = len(lstUniqs)

    cmboAsIdxUniqs = [None] * lenCmbo
    multiplicities = [0] * lenUniqs
    cdef int idxIntoCmbo
    cdef int idxIntoUniqs
    cdef int count        
    while idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo and idxIntoUniqs != lenUniqs:
        count = min(lstCntRpts[idxIntoUniqs], lenCmbo-idxIntoCmbo)
        cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo : idxIntoCmbo + count] = [idxIntoUniqs] * count
        multiplicities[idxIntoUniqs] = count
        idxIntoCmbo  += count
        idxIntoUniqs += 1

    if idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo:

    cdef int x
    cdef int y
    while True:
        yield tuple(lstUniqs[idxUniqs] for idxUniqs in cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        for idxIntoCmbo in reversed(range(lenCmbo)):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            y = x + 1

            if y < lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] < lstCntRpts[y]:

        for idxIntoCmbo in range(idxIntoCmbo, lenCmbo):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo] = y
            multiplicities[x] -= 1
            multiplicities[y] += 1

            while y != lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] == lstCntRpts[y]:
                y += 1

            if y == lenUniqs:

优化的CYTHON CODE下面会产生错误的结果

def subbags_loops_dict_cython_optimized(lstItems, int lenCmbo):

    dctCounter = {}
    cdef int lenLstItems = len(lstItems)
    cdef int idx = 0
    for idx in range(lenLstItems):
        item = lstItems[idx]
        if item in dctCounter.keys(): 
            dctCounter[item] += 1
            dctCounter[item]  = 1
    lstUniqs   = sorted(dctCounter.keys())
    lstCntRpts = [dctCounter[item] for item in lstUniqs]

    cdef int lenUniqs   = len(lstUniqs)
    cdef array.array cmboAsIdxUniqs = array.array('i', [])
    array.resize(cmboAsIdxUniqs, lenCmbo)
    # cmboAsIdxUniqs = [None] * lenCmbo 
    cdef array.array multiplicities = array.array('i', [])
    array.resize(multiplicities, lenUniqs)
    # multiplicities = [0] * lenUniqs
    cdef int idxIntoCmbo
    cdef int maxIdxCmbo
    cdef int curIdxCmbo
    cdef int idxIntoUniqs
    cdef int count        

    while idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo and idxIntoUniqs != lenUniqs:
        count = min(lstCntRpts[idxIntoUniqs], lenCmbo-idxIntoCmbo)
        maxIdxCmbo = idxIntoCmbo + count
        curIdxCmbo = idxIntoCmbo
        while curIdxCmbo < maxIdxCmbo: 
            cmboAsIdxUniqs[curIdxCmbo] = idxIntoUniqs
            curIdxCmbo += 1
        multiplicities[idxIntoUniqs] = count
        idxIntoCmbo  += count
        idxIntoUniqs += 1
    # print("multiplicities:", multiplicities)
    # print("cmboAsIdxUniqs:", cmboAsIdxUniqs)

    if idxIntoCmbo != lenCmbo:

    cdef int x
    cdef int y
    while True:
        yield tuple(lstUniqs[idxUniqs] for idxUniqs in cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        for idxIntoCmbo in reversed(range(lenCmbo)):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            y = x + 1

            if y < lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] < lstCntRpts[y]:

        for idxIntoCmbo in range(idxIntoCmbo, lenCmbo):
            x = cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo]
            cmboAsIdxUniqs[idxIntoCmbo] = y
            multiplicities[x] -= 1
            multiplicities[y] += 1
            # print("# multiplicities:", multiplicities)

            while y != lenUniqs and multiplicities[y] == lstCntRpts[y]:
                y += 1

            if y == lenUniqs:

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)






  • __next__ - 方法外,他们直接实施tp_iternext - 广告位(通常为__next__)。在这种情况下,Python不必查找__next__方法 - 这实际上是在下面的例子中使它更快的原因:

    from itertools import islice
    def test():
        while True:
            yield 1
    class Test(object):
        def __iter__(self):
            return self
        def __next__(self):
            return 1
    %timeit list(islice(test(), 1000))
    # 173 µs ± 2.15 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
    %timeit list(islice(Test(), 1000))
    # 499 µs ± 14.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

    因为生成器直接填充__next__ - 插槽,所以它快了近3倍。

  • 一个yield - 函数和类有一个状态,但yield函数保存和加载状态的速度比使用类和属性访问速度快得多:

    def test():
        i = 0
        while True:
            yield i
            i += 1
    class Test(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.val = 0
        def __iter__(self):
            return self
        def __next__(self):
            current = self.val
            self.val += 1
            return current
    %timeit list(islice(test(), 1000))
    # 296 µs ± 1.73 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
    %timeit list(islice(Test(), 1000))
    # 1.22 ms ± 3.12 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)




如果你想要一个的cython迭代器类,它必须是cdef class。否则你不能获得真正快速的课程。原因是只有cdef class创建了一个直接实现tp_iternext字段的扩展类型!我将使用IPythons %%cython来编译代码(因此我不必包含设置):


def test():
    while True:
        yield 1

class Test(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        return 1

cdef class Test_cdef(object):
    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        return 1

%timeit list(islice(test(), 1000))
# 113 µs ± 4.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
%timeit list(islice(Test(), 1000))
# 407 µs ± 16.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit list(islice(Test_cdef(), 1000))
# 62.8 µs ± 2.46 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

时间已经表明生成器和基本类比纯Python等价物快,但它们的相对性能大致保持不变。但是,cdef class变体同时击败了它们,这主要是因为使用tp_iternext广告位而不仅仅是实施__next__方法。 (如果你不信任我,请检查Cython生成的C代码:))

然而,它只比Python生成器快2倍,这并不坏,但它并不完全是压倒性的。要获得真正惊人的加速,你需要找到一种方法来表达你的程序没有Python对象(Python对象越少,加速越快)。例如,如果您使用字典存储项目及其多重性,您仍然存储Python对象,并且任何查找都必须使用python字典方法完成 - 即使您可以通过C API函数调用它们而不必查看真正的方法:


cpdef cython_count(items):
    cdef dict res = dict()
    for item in items:
        if item in res:
            res[item] += 1
            res[item] = 1
    return res

import random

def count(items):
    res = {}
    for item in items:
        if item in res:
            res[item] += 1
            res[item] = 1
    return res

l = [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10000)]
%timeit cython_count(l)
# 2.06 ms ± 13 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit count(l)
# 3.63 ms ± 21.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)


from collections import Counter
%timeit Counter(l)
# 1.17 ms ± 41.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

此处快速说明:不要使用something in some_dict.keys()因为keys()在Python2中是列表式的,而ony工具O(n)包含操作,而something in some_dict通常是O(1)(都是蟒蛇)!这将使两个版本的速度更快,尤其是在Python2上:

def count2(items):
    res = {}
    for item in items:
        if item in res.keys():  # with "keys()"
            res[item] += 1
            res[item] = 1
    return res

# Python3
l = [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10000)]
%timeit count(l)
# 3.63 ms ± 29 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit count2(l)
# 5.9 ms ± 20 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

# Python2
l = [random.randint(0, 10000) for _ in range(10000)]
%timeit count(l)
# 100 loops, best of 3: 4.59 ms per loop
%timeit count2(l)
# 1 loop, best of 3: 2.65 s per loop  <--- WHOOPS!!!

这表明当你使用python结构时,你只能希望使用Cython(和C扩展)加速3-4倍,但即使是使用&#34; .keys()&#34;等小错误也是如此。如果使用不当,可能会在性能方面花费你更多




  • 您希望uniqComb**支持哪些类型?你想要整数(例子这样说,但我想你想要任意的Python对象)。
  • 你想要从Python(如当前状态)进行内省吗?如果你想要它,将多重性保持为python对象是有意义的,但是如果你不在乎你可以将它们保存为类似整数的对象而不是python对象。
  • 您是否需要传递给uniqComb**函数的对象可以排序?您使用了sorted,但您也可以使用OrderedDict并按照外观顺序而不是数值来保留密钥。

这些问题的答案(这些只是我立即问自己的问题,可能还有更多!)可以帮助您决定内部可以使用哪种结构。例如,使用Cython,您可以连接到C ++,您可以使用包含整数键和整数值的map而不是字典。它默认排序,因此您不需要自己手动对它们进行排序,而是使用本机整数而不是Python对象。但是你放弃了在uniqComb中处理任意python对象的能力,你需要知道如何在Cython中使用C ++类型。它可能会非常快!

我不会走那条路,因为我假设你想要支持任意可订购的python类型,我坚持使用Counter作为起点但是我将多重性保存为整数{{ 1}}而不是array.array。我们称之为“最少侵入性”#34;优化。如果您使用listlist用于arraylstCntRpts因为它们不是瓶颈,那么它在性能方面实际上并不重要 - 但它更快一点,节省了一点内存更重要的是它显示了如何在cython中包含同类multiplicities




from cpython.list cimport PyList_Size  # (most) C API functions can be used with cython!

from array import array
from collections import Counter

cdef class uniqCmboClassIter:

    cdef list lstUniqs
    cdef Py_ssize_t lenUniqs
    cdef int[:] lstCntRpts   # memoryview
    cdef Py_ssize_t lenCmbo
    cdef list cmboAsIdxUniqs
    cdef int[:] multiplicities  # memoryview
    cdef Py_ssize_t idxIntoCmbo
    cdef Py_ssize_t idxIntoUniqs
    cdef bint stopIteration
    cdef Py_ssize_t x
    cdef Py_ssize_t y

    def __init__(self, lstItems, lenCmbo):
        dctCounter = Counter(lstItems)

        self.lstUniqs = sorted(dctCounter)
        self.lenUniqs = PyList_Size(self.lstUniqs)
        self.lstCntRpts = array('i', [dctCounter[item] for item in self.lstUniqs])

        self.lenCmbo        = lenCmbo
        self.cmboAsIdxUniqs = [None] * lenCmbo
        self.multiplicities = array('i', [0] * self.lenUniqs)
        self.idxIntoCmbo, self.idxIntoUniqs = 0, 0

        while self.idxIntoCmbo != self.lenCmbo and self.idxIntoUniqs != self.lenUniqs:
            count = min(self.lstCntRpts[self.idxIntoUniqs], self.lenCmbo-self.idxIntoCmbo)
            self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo : self.idxIntoCmbo + count] = [self.idxIntoUniqs] * count
            self.multiplicities[self.idxIntoUniqs] = count
            self.idxIntoCmbo += count
            self.idxIntoUniqs += 1
            # print("self.multiplicities:", self.multiplicities)
            # print("self.cmboAsIdxUniqs:", self.cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        if self.idxIntoCmbo != self.lenCmbo:

        self.stopIteration = False
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0


    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.stopIteration is True:
            raise StopIteration

        nextCmbo = tuple(self.lstUniqs[idxUniqs] for idxUniqs in self.cmboAsIdxUniqs)

        for self.idxIntoCmbo in reversed(range(self.lenCmbo)):
            self.x = self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo]
            self.y = self.x + 1

            if self.y < self.lenUniqs and self.multiplicities[self.y] < self.lstCntRpts[self.y]:
            self.stopIteration = True
            return nextCmbo

        for self.idxIntoCmbo in range(self.idxIntoCmbo, self.lenCmbo):
            self.x = self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo]
            self.cmboAsIdxUniqs[self.idxIntoCmbo] = self.y
            self.multiplicities[self.x] -= 1
            self.multiplicities[self.y] += 1
            # print("# multiplicities:", multiplicities)

            while self.y != self.lenUniqs and self.multiplicities[self.y] == self.lstCntRpts[self.y]:
                self.y += 1

            if self.y == self.lenUniqs:

        return nextCmbo
from itertools import combinations

import random
import time

def create_values(maximum):

    vals = [random.randint(0, maximum) for _ in range(48)]
    print('length: ', len(vals))
    print('sorted values: ', sorted(vals))
    print('uniques: ', len(set(vals)))
    print('uniques in percent: {:%}'.format(len(set(vals)) / len(vals)))

    return vals

class Timer(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        self._time = time.time()

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(time.time() -  self._time)

vals = create_values(maximum=50)  # and 22 and 75 and 120
n = 6

with Timer():
    list(combinations(vals, n))

with Timer():
    list(uniqCmboClassIter(vals, n))

with Timer():
    list(uniqCmboClassIterOriginal(vals, n))

with Timer():
    list(uniqCmboYieldIterOriginal(vals, n))

它确实比原始方法执行得更好,实际上使用 类型声明的速度要快几倍。可能还有更多可以优化的东西(禁用边界检查,使用Python C API函数调用,使用无符号整数或更小的整数,如果你知道&#34;最大&#34;和&#34;最小&# 34;你的多重性,...) - 但事实上,即使对于80%的独特物品,它比length: 48 sorted values: [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22] uniques: 21 uniques in percent: 43.750000% 6.250450611114502 0.4217393398284912 4.250436305999756 2.7186365127563477 length: 48 sorted values: [1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 11, 13, 13, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 28, 29, 31, 31, 34, 34, 36, 36, 38, 39, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 47, 49, 50] uniques: 33 uniques in percent: 68.750000% 6.2034173011779785 4.343803882598877 42.39261245727539 26.65750527381897 length: 48 sorted values: [4, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 24, 26, 34, 36, 40, 42, 43, 43, 45, 46, 46, 52, 53, 58, 59, 59, 61, 63, 66, 68, 71, 72, 72, 75, 76, 80, 82, 82, 83, 84, 86, 86, 89, 92, 97, 99] uniques: 39 uniques in percent: 81.250000% 6.859697341918945 10.437987327575684 104.12988543510437 65.25306582450867 length: 48 sorted values: [4, 7, 11, 19, 24, 29, 32, 36, 49, 49, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 70, 72, 72, 79, 82, 83, 86, 89, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96, 99, 102, 111, 112, 118, 120, 120, 128, 129, 129, 134, 138, 141, 141, 144, 146, 147] uniques: 41 uniques in percent: 85.416667% 6.484673023223877 13.610010623931885 136.28764533996582 84.73834943771362 慢得多,并且比任何原始实施都要快得多,这对我来说已经足够了。 : - )

答案 1 :(得分:1)


具有__next__版本的类是适合实现的类   作为Python扩展模块,因为没有相当于yield   在C中,因此找出如何按顺序改进它是有意义的   与yield变量的函数相当。



答案 2 :(得分:1)

使用yield编写生成器函数时,保存和恢复状态的开销由CPython内部(由C实现)处理。使用__iter__ / __next__,您必须在每次调用时管理保存和恢复状态。在CPython中,Python级别代码比C级内置函数慢,因此状态管理中涉及的extr Python级别代码(包括通过self查找访问dict的属性而不是加载本地的简单内容变量,只有数组索引开销)最终会花费你很多。

如果在C扩展模块中实现自己的迭代器协议支持类型,则可以绕过此开销;保存和恢复状态应该是几个C级变量访问的问题(与Python生成器函数相比,具有相似或更小的开销,也就是说,非常少)。实际上, 的生成器函数是一种C扩展类型,它在每次调用tp_iternext时保存并恢复Python帧(相当于__next__的C级别)。