我在R中的美国瓷砖上引用this article。但是,我不知道df上需要进行哪些预处理才能将其转换成六边形图或瓦片图。传递给示例中的传单的sf_NPR1to1
df <- data.frame(state=c("New York","New Jersey","California"), num=c(10,20,30))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
以前必须解决此问题,我想我会发布一个更通用的解决方案。对于美国和美国,可以使用许多现有的ESRI shapefile,但是在某些情况下,您可能不需要遵循这些国家/地区的规定,则可能需要遵循以下步骤。
包中的Munkres 'Hungarian' algorithm。
# Install package
if(!"makeTilegram" %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])
# Load required packages
# Load simple map (without islands) from the `rworldmap` package
# Subset for Africa and remove NAs in the regions
afr <- countriesCoarseLessIslands[which(!is.na(countriesCoarseLessIslands@data$REGION) &
tileGram <- makeTilegram(afr) # Make a Tilegram
## Helper functions
deg2rad <- function(deg) {(deg * pi) / (180)} # Function to convert degrees to radians (trigonemetry)
hex_side <- function(area) {(3^0.25)*sqrt(2*(area/9))} # Get the length of a side of hexagon for a given area
hex_area <- function(side) ((3*sqrt(3))/2*side) # Get the area of a hexagon given its side length
# Function to draw a hexagon
draw_hex <- function(area=hex_area(1), offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, id=1, tessellate=F){
side_length <- hex_side(area)
A <- sin(deg2rad(30)) * side_length
B <- sin(deg2rad(60)) * side_length
C <- side_length
(x <- c(0, 0, B, 2*B, 2*B, B) + (offset_x*B*2) + ifelse(tessellate == T, B, 0))
(y <- c(A+C, A, 0, A, A+C, 2*C) + (offset_y*(A+C)))
sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(coords = matrix(c(x,y),ncol=2),hole = F)),ID=id)
# Function to get the sum of the area of SpatialPolygons
getArea <- function(x) {
getAreaPolygons = function(x) {
holes = unlist(lapply(x@Polygons, function(x) x@hole))
areas = unlist(lapply(x@Polygons, function(x) x@area))
area = ifelse(holes, -1, 1) * areas
sum(unlist(lapply(x@polygons, getAreaPolygons)))
# The average area of SpatialPolygons
getAvgArea <- function(x){
l <- length(x)
avgArea <- getArea(x)/l
# Draw a grid of hexagon tiles
draw_hexTiles <- function(area, offset_x_start=0, offset_x_end=4, offset_y_start=0, offset_y_end =4){
grid <- expand.grid(offset_x_start:offset_x_end, offset_y_start:offset_y_end)
grid$tessellate <- grid[,2] %% 2 == 0
hexes <- sp::SpatialPolygons(lapply(1:nrow(grid), function(i){
draw_hex(area, offset_x = grid[i,1], offset_y = grid[i,2], id =i, tessellate = grid[i,3])
names(grid) <- c("offset_x", "offset_y", "tessellate")
grid <- data.frame(id = 1:nrow(grid),grid)
sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(hexes, grid)
#' Draw hexagon tiles
#' Draw a grid of tessellated hexagons over the bounding box of a SpatialPolygons object
#' @param x An sp object
#' @param cellsize The size of the hexagons, if left blank then will take the average area of the polygons in the SpatialPolygons data.frame
#' @return A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of tessellated hexagons covering the bounding box of a SpatialPolygons
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(rworldmap);
#' data("countriesCoarseLessIslands") # Load simple map without islands
#' afr <- countriesCoarseLessIslands[which(!is.na(countriesCoarseLessIslands@data$REGION) &
#' countriesCoarseLessIslands@data$REGION=="Africa"),]
#' afr <- sp::spTransform(afr, CRS("+init=EPSG:32663")) # Project to equidistant grid
#' plot(hex_tiles(afr)[afr,]) # Clip to original shape and plot
hex_tiles <- function(x, cellsize=NULL){
if(is.null(cellsize)) cellsize <- getAvgArea(x)*.9
b <- sp::bbox(x)
dx <- b["x", "max"] - b["x", "min"]
dy <- b["y", "max"] - b["y", "min"]
C <- hex_side(cellsize)
A <- sin(deg2rad(30)) * C
B <- sin(deg2rad(60)) * C
hexAcross <- ceiling(dx/(B*2))
hexUp <- ceiling(dy/((A+C)))
offset_x_start <- floor(b["x", "min"]/(B*2))
offset_y_start <- floor(b["y", "min"]/((A+C)))
offset_x_end <- offset_x_start + hexAcross
offset_y_end <- offset_y_start + hexUp
hex_grid <- draw_hexTiles(cellsize, offset_x_start, offset_x_end, offset_y_start, offset_y_end)
sp::proj4string(hex_grid) <- sp::proj4string(x)
#' Make a Tilegram
#' Function to make a tilegram from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
#' It draws a grid of hexagons over the bounding box of the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and
#' then uses the 'Hungarian' algorithm found in the `clue` package to match hexagons to
#' Polygons by minimising the distance between the centre of the hexagon and the centroid of the polygon.
#' @param sp A SpatialPolygonDataFrame
#' @param cellsize The cellsize of the hexagons. If left blank then it will be based on the average size of the polygons in sp
#' @return A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame projected to EPSG:32663 equidistant grid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(rworldmap);
#' data("countriesCoarseLessIslands") # Load simple map without islands
#' afr <- countriesCoarseLessIslands[which(!is.na(countriesCoarseLessIslands@data$REGION) &
#' countriesCoarseLessIslands@data$REGION=="Africa"),]
#' tileGram <- makeTilegram(afr)
#' plot(tileGram)
makeTilegram <- function(sp,cellsize=NULL){
sp <- sp::spTransform(sp, sp::CRS("+init=EPSG:32663")) # Project to equidistant grid
tiles <- hex_tiles(sp,cellsize) # Create hexagon tiles
tiles <- tiles[sp,]
pts <- rgeos::gCentroid(sp,byid = T) # Get centroid of polygons
pts <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(pts, data.frame(pt_id = row.names(pts), stringsAsFactors = F))
tileCentroids <- rgeos::gCentroid(tiles, T)
tileCentroids <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(tileCentroids, data.frame(id = row.names(tileCentroids),stringsAsFactors = F))
distance <- rgeos::gDistance(tileCentroids, pts, byid=T)
tile_pref <- t(apply(distance,1, function(x) rank(x,ties.method ="random")))
solved <- clue::solve_LSAP(tile_pref, maximum = FALSE)
solved_cols <- as.numeric(solved)
newDat <- data.frame(tile_region= row.names(tile_pref), id = as.numeric(colnames(tile_pref)[solved_cols]), stringsAsFactors = F)
newTiles <- tiles
newTiles@data <- plyr::join(newTiles@data, newDat, by="id")
newTiles <- newTiles[!is.na(newTiles$tile_region),]