
时间:2017-04-30 06:15:10

标签: c++ visual-c++


//Program will read in a list of movies with ratings from a file supplied 
//by the user and then ask the user what rating they would like to see. 
//Then it will give the user the option of seeing all the movies with 
//that rating or a random movie with that rating.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
//Namespace declaration
using namespace std;

int returnRandom(int range);

//starting of main function
int main()

//Varibale data type declarations
int i, count = 0, num;
string word1, word2;

//array declarations
string m_name[100];
string m_rating[100];
string name;
string rate;

//filestream declaration
ifstream infile;
string x;
cout << "Please type the name of the file you would like to use. " << endl;
cin >> x;

//open file for reading

//error checking if file does not exist
if (!infile)
    cout << "can not open the file." << endl;

//start reading the data from the file
while (infile >> word1)

    m_name[count] = word1;
    infile >> word1;
    m_rating[count] = word1;


//asking for user input
int choice;

cout << "Please enter the rating of the movie to watch: ";
getline(cin.ignore(), rate);
cout << "Type 1 to print all the movies of the input rating." << endl;
cout << "Type 2 to print a random movie of input rating: " << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;
cout << endl;

//search movies which has the rating as input given by the user
if (choice == 1)
    for (i = 0; i<count; i++)
        if (m_rating[i] == rate)
            //Display movies
            cout << "Movie " << m_name[i] << " has " << rate << " ratings." << endl;
    if (choice == 2)
        int index = returnRandom(count);
        while (m_rating[index] != rate)
            index = returnRandom(count);
        cout << "Movie " << m_name[index] << " has " << rate << " ratings." << endl;
        cout << "Invalid Input!";

return 0;
}//end of main

//function to return the random index of input rating
int returnRandom(int range)
return 0 + (rand() % (0 - range + 1));

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