
时间:2017-04-29 16:21:39

标签: assembly masm x86-16 dos



        .model small
        .stack  64
PR      DB      'ENTER: ','$'
Num1    Label   Byte
Max1    DB      3 ; need to hit atmost 3 keys when entering- 2 digits and the enter key
Act1    DB      ?
N1      DB      4 DUP ('$')
Num2    Label   Byte
Max2    DB      3 ; need to hit atmost 3 keys when entering- 2 digits and the enter key
Act2    DB      ?
N2      DB      4 DUP ('$')
Res     DB      3 DUP ('$')
MAIN    proc    FAR
        mov     AX,@data        ; Initialize segment
        mov     DS,AX           ; registers

        call    CLEAR
        call    SET_CURSOR
        call    REQUEST_INPUT
        call    GET_INPUT1
        call    REQUEST_INPUT
        call    GET_INPUT2
        call    SET_CURSOR
        call        Convert1

        mov     AX,4C00h        ; Exit to DOS
        int     21h
MAIN    endp
CLEAR   proc    NEAR
        mov     AX, 0600H
        mov     BH, 71H
        mov     CX, 0000H
        mov     DX, 184FH
        int     10H
CLEAR   endp

SET_CURSOR      proc    NEAR
        mov     AH, 02H
        mov     BH, 0           ;sets color of backround 
        mov     DH, 12
        mov     DL, 40
        int     10H
SET_CURSOR      endp
        mov     AH, 09H
        lea     DX, PR
        int     21H 

GET_INPUT1       proc    NEAR
        mov     AH, 0AH
        lea     DX,Num1
        int     21H
        mov     BH, 00
        mov     BL, Max1
        mov     N1[BX],'$'
GET_INPUT1       endp
GET_INPUT2      proc    NEAR
        mov     AH, 0AH
        lea     DX,Num2
        int     21H
        mov     BH, 00
        mov     BL, Max2
        mov     N2[BX],'$'
GET_INPUT2       endp
Convert1        proc    NEAR
                  mov     BX, 0
                    mov     AH, 00h
                mov     AL, N1[BX]   ; Get a character
                Mov Ax, 10
                Mul AL
                 mov     BX, 1
                    mov     BH, 00h
                mov     BL, N1[BX]   ; Get a character
                Add AL, BL
                mov     BX, 0
                    mov     CH, 00h
                mov     CL, N2[BX]   ; Get a character
                Mov Ax, 10
                Mul CL
                 mov     BX, 1
                    mov     BH, 00h
                mov     DL, N2[BX]   ; Get a character
                Add CL, DL
                Add AL, CL
                Mov Ax, 10
                Div Al
                Mov Res[0], AL
                Add AH, 48
                call SET_CURSOR2 
                Mov Res[1], AH              
                mov     AH,09h
                lea     DX, Res
                int     21H

Convert1   endp                                 

            ;formula ()N1[0]-48)*10 + (N1[1]-48)
            ;same for N2
            ;before printing need to divide result of N1+N2 by 10. the quation is the frist character remainder is the second character- quaotiant will be in AL, Remainder in AH
            ;then need to add 48 before putting them into the array Res
            ;To go back Add Al,48-Mov Res[0], AL

                end     MAIN 

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