
时间:2017-04-29 14:06:37

标签: c grammar bison shift-reduce-conflict


body: variable_decl function_list
    | variable_decl

variable_decl: variable variable_decl
             | /* no variables declaration */

variable: KW_STATIC basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON
        | basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON 

varhelp2: varhelp2 COMA id varhelp1
        | id varhelp1

varhelp1: dimarray
        | ASSIGN constants

dimarray: /* no array */ 
        | LBRACKET id RBRACKET dimarray

constants: pint
         | real
         | bool

basictypes: KW_INTEGER 
          | KW_BOOLEAN 
          | KW_CHARACTER 
          | KW_REAL 
          | KW_STRING

function_list: function_list function
             | function

        | basictypes id LEFT_PARENTHESIS function_help1 RIGHT_PARENTHESIS

function_help1: /* empty */ 
              | function_help2

function_help2: function_help2 COMA basictypes id
              | basictypes id 

我认为问题是由function_list和variable_decl引起的。 功能和变量都可以从基本类型 id 开始。我应该如何制作function_list以解决这个问题?



State 0

    0 $accept: . program $end
    1 program: . body
    7 body: . variable_decl function_list
    8     | . variable_decl
    9 variable_decl: . variable variable_decl
   10              | . %empty  [$end, KW_BOOLEAN, KW_INTEGER, KW_CHARACTER, KW_REAL, KW_STRING, KW_VOID]
   11 variable: . KW_STATIC basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON
   12         | . basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON
   27 basictypes: . KW_INTEGER
   28           | . KW_BOOLEAN
   29           | . KW_CHARACTER
   30           | . KW_REAL
   31           | . KW_STRING

    KW_STATIC     shift, and go to state 1
    KW_BOOLEAN    shift, and go to state 2
    KW_INTEGER    shift, and go to state 3
    KW_CHARACTER  shift, and go to state 4
    KW_REAL       shift, and go to state 5
    KW_STRING     shift, and go to state 6

    KW_BOOLEAN    [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_INTEGER    [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_CHARACTER  [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_REAL       [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_STRING     [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    $default      reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)

    program        go to state 7
    body           go to state 8
    variable_decl  go to state 9
    variable       go to state 10
    basictypes     go to state 11

State 10

    9 variable_decl: . variable variable_decl
    9              | variable . variable_decl
   10              | . %empty  [$end, KW_BOOLEAN, KW_INTEGER, KW_CHARACTER, KW_REAL, KW_STRING, KW_VOID]
   11 variable: . KW_STATIC basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON
   12         | . basictypes varhelp2 SEMICOLON
   27 basictypes: . KW_INTEGER
   28           | . KW_BOOLEAN
   29           | . KW_CHARACTER
   30           | . KW_REAL
   31           | . KW_STRING

    KW_STATIC     shift, and go to state 1
    KW_BOOLEAN    shift, and go to state 2
    KW_INTEGER    shift, and go to state 3
    KW_CHARACTER  shift, and go to state 4
    KW_REAL       shift, and go to state 5
    KW_STRING     shift, and go to state 6

    KW_BOOLEAN    [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_INTEGER    [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_CHARACTER  [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_REAL       [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    KW_STRING     [reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)]
    $default      reduce using rule 10 (variable_decl)

    variable_decl  go to state 18
    variable       go to state 10
    basictypes     go to state 11

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