
时间:2017-04-28 10:51:45

标签: python return

我创建了一个程序,要求玩家的移动,然后玩家在网格内移动。我还试图验证输入,以便玩家不会超出网格的限制,并且这样做会调用要求玩家移动的功能,这样他们就可以继续进行移动直到这是一个有效的举措。但是,再次调用该函数时,x_move和y_move不会被更新,这意味着即使用户现在有效,也会不断要求用户重新输入他们的输入。我认为这与值x_move和y_move的返回有关,就像我在使用用户的新输入后打印它们一样,它们保持不变? 我的代码如下:

def get_move():
    advice  = 'Please enter your move in two integers, vertical, then horizontal, separated by a space.  Use positive numbers for up and right, negative for down and left.'
    example = 'For example, an input of \'2 2\' would be 2 moves vertically, and 2 moves horizontally.'
    #Here I am joining the two inputs for ease of input for the user and so that the input is easier to work with than two serparate ones. Not sure how this will work yet with validation...
    move = input(advice + example)
    while len(coor)!=2:
        print('Invalid input- too many or too few co-ordinates')
        advice  = 'Please enter your move in two integers, vertical, then horizontal, separated by a space.  Use positive numbers for up and right, negative for down and left.'
        example = 'For example, an input of \'2 2\' would be 2 moves vertically, and 2 moves horizontally.'
        #Here I am joining the two inputs for ease of input for the user and so that the input is easier to work with than two serparate ones. Not sure how this will work yet with validation...
        move = input(advice + example)
    #Here I am splitting the input using whitespace, hence why nothing is in the bracket
    move = move.split()
    #Now I am declaring the variables that are assigned to the split move input
    #And now assigning them as integers
    x_move = int(x_move)
    y_move = int(y_move)
    return x_move, y_move

def update_board(b, current_y_loc, current_x_loc):
    while (-1>= current_y_loc-y_move) or (current_y_loc-y_move>size_of_grid):
        print('INVALID INPUT')
    while (-1>= current_x_loc+x_move) or (current_x_loc+x_move>size_of_grid):
        print('INVALID INPUT')
    b[current_y_loc-y_move][current_x_loc+x_move] = player_location
    current_y_loc -= y_move
    current_x_loc += x_move
    print("current location = ", current_x_loc, current_y_loc)
    return current_y_loc, current_x_loc

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您需要实际将输出从get_move()传递到x_movey_move,即x_move, y_move = get_move()

答案 1 :(得分:1)




  1. 用户输入的值超出y
  2. 的界限
  3. 首先触发循环,代码要求新值
  4. 用户输入可接受的y值但超出x
  5. 的界限值
  6. 首先退出循环,第二个循环由不可接受的x值触发,请求新值
  7. 用户输入可接受的x值,但不可接受的y值
  8. 第二个while循环退出时,代码继续超出界限y值