
时间:2017-04-28 03:05:32

标签: python






#65    return (math.sqrt(sum(coordinates_squared)))


import math
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = GLOBAL_PRECISION

class Vector(object):
    """The Vector class takes an iterable object, and stores it as a
    a mathematical vector. Class defines several vector operations.
    CANNOT_NORMALIZE_ZERO_VECTOR_MSG = 'Cannot normalize the zero vector'

    def __init__(self, coordinates):
        """The variable coordinates must be an iterable object, whose
        elements are numberic, and valid input for Decimal class
            if not coordinates:
                raise ValueError
            self.coordinates = tuple([Decimal(x) for x in coordinates])
            self.dimension = len(self.coordinates)

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('The coordinates must be nonempty')

        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('The coordinates must be an iterable')

    def __str__(self):
        """Print a vector as a row vector"""
        return 'Vector: {}'.format(self.coordinates)

    def __eq__(self, v):
        """define vector equality as component-wise equality"""
        return self.coordinates == v.coordinates

    def __add__(self, v):
        assert( self.dimension == v.dimension ), 'Does not make sense to ' \
                'add vectors of different dimensions'

        _result = [ x+y for x,y in zip(self.coodinates, v.coodinates)]
        return (Vector(_result))

    def __sub__(self, v):
        assert( self.dimension == v.dimension ), 'Does not make sense to ' \
                'subtract vectors of different dimensions'

        _result = [ x-y for x,y in zip(self.coodinates, v.coodinates)]
        return (Vector(_result))

    """def __mul__(self, k):
        _result = [Decimal(k)*x for x in self.coordinates]
        return Vector(_result)

    def scale_mul(self, k):
        """return a Vector object that has had each element scaled by k"""
        _result = [Decimal(k)*x for x in self.coordinates]
        return( Vector(_result) )

    def magnitude(self):
        """return a Decimal object that is the root of the sum of the
        squares of the elements of the vector self
        coordinates_squared = [x**2 for x in self.coordinates]
        return (math.sqrt(sum(coordinates_squared)))
        #return Decimal((math.sqrt(sum(coordinates_squared))))

    def normalized(self):
        """returns a vector object that has been scaled by 1/self.magnitude"""
            return ( self.scale_mul(Decimal('1.0')/self.magnitude()) )

        except ZeroDivisionError:
            raise Exception(self.CANNOT_NORMALIZE_ZERO_VECTOR_MSG)

    def dot(self, v):
        """return the dot product of 2 vector objets as a Decimal object"""
        assert( self.dimension == v.dimension ), 'Does not make sense to ' \
                'dot vectors of different dimensions'

        return sum([x*y for x,y in zip(self.coordinates, v.coordinates)])

    def angleTheta(self, v, in_degrees = False):
        """returns the smaller of the two angles between two vectors,
        presuming the vectors eminate from the same initial position.
        Returns radians by default, can be flipped to degrees with
        additional true parameter
            u1 = self.normalized()
            u2 = v.normalized()
            assert(abs(round(u1.dot(u2), 10)) <= 1), 'acos must recieve' \
                'parameter between 0 and 1'

            angle_in_radians = math.acos(round(u1.dot(u2), 10))

            if in_degrees:
                return math.degrees(angle_in_radians)
                return angle_in_radians

        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) == self.CANNOT_NORMALIZE_ZERO_VECTOR_MSG:
                raise Exception('Cannot compute an angle with the zero vector')
                raise e

    def is_parallel(self, v):
        """returns true if parameter v is parallel to the vector self"""
        return( self.is_zero() or
                v.is_zero() or
                self.angleTheta(v) == 0 or
                self.angleTheta(v) == math.pi )

    def is_orth(self, v, tolerance=1e-10):
        """returns true if parameter v is orthagonal to the vector self"""
        return ( abs(self.dot(v)) < tolerance )

    def is_zero(self, tolerance=1e-10):
        """returns true if self is the zero vector"""
        return (self.magnitude() < tolerance)

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