from tkinter import *
import random
class ControlAnimation:
def __init__(self):
my_window = Tk() # create a window
my_window.title("Control Animation Demo")
self.width = 400
self.height = 200
self.line_x = 350
self.line_top = 75
self.line_bot = 125
self.paddle_width = 10
self.dy = 5
self.sleep_time = 50
self.is_stopped = False
self.my_canvas = Canvas(my_window, bg = 'white', \
width = self.width, height = self.height)
frm_control = Frame(my_window) # for comand buttons below canvas
btn_stop = Button(frm_control, text = 'Stop', \
command = self.stop)
btn_stop.pack(side = LEFT)
btn_resume = Button(frm_control, text = 'Resume', \
command = self.resume)
btn_resume.pack(side = LEFT)
btn_faster = Button(frm_control, text = 'Faster', \
command = self.faster)
btn_faster.pack(side = LEFT)
btn_slower = Button(frm_control, text = 'Slower', \
command = self.slower)
btn_slower.pack(side = LEFT)
self.radius = 20
self.x = self.radius # just to start; y is at canvas center
self.y = self.height/2
# (x, y) is center of disk for this program, but ...
# recall: x1,y1 and x2,y2 form a bounding box for disk
self.x - self.radius, self.height/2 + self.radius,\
self.x + self.radius, self.height/2 - self.radius,\
fill = "red", tags = "disk")
self.my_canvas.create_line(self.line_x, self.line_top, \
self.line_x, self.line_bot, \
width = self.paddle_width, fill = "blue", tags = "paddle")
self.my_canvas.bind("<KeyPress-Up>", self.move_paddle)
self.my_canvas.bind("<KeyPress-Down>", self.move_paddle)
self.my_canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.left_click_paddle)
self.my_canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_paddle)
def stop(self):
self.is_stopped = True
def resume(self):
self.is_stopped = False
def faster(self):
if self.sleep_time > 5:
self.sleep_time -= 15
def slower(self):
self.sleep_time += 15
def animate(self):
dx = 3
dy = 2
while not self.is_stopped :
self.my_canvas.move("disk", dx, dy) # move right
self.my_canvas.after(self.sleep_time) # sleep for a few ms
# redraw/update the canvas w/ new oval position
# increment x to set up for next re-draw
r = random.randint(-1, 1)
self.x += dx # moves the disk
if self.x + self.radius > self.width: # hit right boundary
dx = -dx + r # add randomness
elif self.x - self.radius <= 0: # hit left boundary
dx = -dx + r # add randomness
elif self.x + self.radius > self.line_x and self.x + self.radius <= self.line_top:
dx = -dx + r
#elif self.x - self.radius <= self.line_x:
#dx = -dx + r
# increment y to set up for next re-draw
self.y += dy
if self.y + self.radius > self.height: # hit bottom boundary
dy = -dy
elif self.y - self.radius <= 0: # hit top boundary
dy = -dy
def left_click_paddle(self, event):
print(" clicked at =", event.x, event.y)
self.move_paddle( -self.dy)
def right_click_paddle(self, event):
print(" clicked at =", event.x, event.y)
self.move_paddle( self.dy)
def move_paddle(self, increment):
self.line_top += increment
self.line_bot += increment
self.my_canvas.create_line(self.line_x, self.line_top, \
self.line_x, self.line_bot, \
width = 10, fill = "blue", tags = "paddle")
ControlAnimation() # create instance of the GUI
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# new disk x, y positions
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
# Change "dx" sign if the ball hit something horizontally
if self.x + self.radius > self.width-1:
# ball hit right frame boundary
dx = -dx + r
elif self.x - self.radius <= 1:
# ball hit left frame boundary
dx = -dx + r
elif ( self.line_x <= self.x+self.radius <= self.line_x + 2*dx
and self.line_top <= self.y <= self.line_bot ):
# ball hit paddle from the left
dx = -dx + r
elif ( self.line_x + 2*dx <= self.x-self.radius <= self.line_x
and self.line_top <= self.y <= self.line_bot ):
# ball hit paddle from the right
dx = -dx + r