分配$ _POST数据以覆盖现有数组值

时间:2017-04-27 01:30:44

标签: php mysql arrays variables

我正在尝试将$ _POST数据分配给字段,如果它与从SQL数据库中提取的$ row数据不同。这用于更新博客帖子。我的逻辑是,如果在文本字段中输入的内容与$ row数据不同,则将$ _POST数据分配给$ row数组。我不确定我的问题在哪里,因为它无法正常运行。任何帮助将不胜感激!

<?php session_start();
$query = "SELECT * FROM blogposts WHERE blog_id=" . $_GET['id'];
$results = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($results, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

<?php include('header.html'); ?>

table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
text-align: center;
form {

<form name="com" id="com" action="<?php if (($_POST['blog_content'] != NULL) 
&& ($_POST['blog_title'] != NULL)) {
echo "edit_handle.php";
} else {
echo "edit_post.php?id=" . $_GET['id'];
if(($_POST['blog_title'] != NULL) && ($row['title'] != 
$_POST['blog_title'])) {$row['title'] = $_POST['blog_title'];}
if(($_POST['blog_content'] != NULL) && ($row['content'] != 
$_POST['blog_content'])) {$row['content'] = $_POST['blog_content'];}
if(($_POST['blog_title'] != NULL) && ($_POST['blog_content'] != NULL)) {
    $row['title'] = $_POST['blog_title'];
    $row['content'] = $_POST['blog_content'];
} ?>" method="post">

if (isset($_SESSION['first_name']) && ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 11)) {
echo '
Blog Title: <input type="text" value="' . $row['title'] . '" 
name="blog_title" />
Post Content:<textarea name="blog_content">' . $row['content'] . 

<input type="submit" value="submit">';  } else {
echo '<p align="center" style="color:red">You must be logged in as    
<strong>admin</strong> to post a blog!</p>';

if (($_POST['blog_content'] != NULL) && ($_POST['blog_title'] != NULL)) {
echo "<script>document.getElementById('com').submit();</script>";


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# Fetch your post from the database
function getBlogPosts($dbc,$id)
        # Check it's numeric
            return false;
        # Fetch and return
        $results = mysqli_query($dbc, "SELECT * FROM blogposts WHERE blog_id=".$id);
        return mysqli_fetch_array($results, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
# This function makes checking if it's set and if it has a value easy
function getPost($key = false)
            return (isset($_POST[$key]))? $_POST[$key] : false;

        return $_POST;
# Same here
function getGet($key = false)
            return (isset($_GET[$key]))? $_GET[$key] : false;

        return $_GET;
# Same here
function getSession($key = false)
            return (isset($_SESSION[$key]))? $_SESSION[$key] : false;

        return $_SESSION;
# Isolate this for readability
function getActionByRequest()
        # Set default
        $default = "edit_handle.php";
        # Check that there are post values
            return $default;
            # Make sure the id is numeric, return default if not
            return (is_numeric(getGet('id')))? "edit_post.php?id=".getGet('id') : $default;
# You seem to do this in a few places, so better to make it a function
function hasPostKeys()
        return (!empty(getPost('blog_content')) && !empty(getPost('blog_title')));
# Make this easier to retrieve
function getDefaultValue($row,$key)
        #Create dynamic key name
        $blogKey = 'blog_'.$key;
        # If both values are empty, stop
        if(empty($row[$key]) && empty(getPost($blogKey)))
            return false;
        # If the post value doesn't match row, return post
        return (getPost($blogKey) != $row[$key])? getPost($blogKey) : $row[$key];
# This is not the best way to check admin, but for this code it is fine
function isAdmin()
        return (getSession('user_id') == 11);

# Get the row
$row            =  (!empty($_GET['id']))? getBlogPost($dbc,$_GET['id']) : array();
# Set this value based on post or by db return
# Doing it this way will ensure, these key/value pairs are always set
$row['title']   =  getDefaultValue($row,'title');
# Set the default return for this key
$row['content'] =  getDefaultValue($row,'content');
<?php include('header.html'); ?>
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
text-align: center;
form {
    <form name="com" id="com" action="<?php echo getActionByRequest() ?>" method="post">
        # You really only have to use this function to check this
        if (isAdmin()) { ?>

        Blog Title: <input type="text" value="<?php echo $row['title'] ?>" name="blog_title" />
        Post Content:<textarea name="blog_content"><?php echo $row['content'] ?></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="submit">
        <?php } else { ?>
        <p align="center" style="color:red">You must be logged in as <strong>admin</strong> to post a blog!</p>
        <?php } ?>
if (hasPostKeys()) { ?>
<?php } ?>