Sub SetThePoint()
Dim lngRoll As Long
Dim lngNextRoll As Long
Dim lngThePoint As Long
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim boolPointSet As Boolean
Dim boolResolved As Boolean
Set objDiceDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objDice = New clsDice
'this procedure takes the value the roll dice function and conintiously rolls until a point is set
lngRoll = objDice.sumDice
'Debug.Print lngRoll
Select Case lngRoll
Case Is = 2
boolPointSet = False
Case Is = 3
boolPointSet = False
Case Is = 4
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 4
Case Is = 5
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 5
Case Is = 6
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 6
Case Is = 7
boolPointSet = False
Case Is = 8
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 8
Case Is = 9
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 9
Case Is = 10
boolPointSet = True
lngThePoint = 10
Case Is = 11
boolPointSet = False
Case Is = 12
boolPointSet = False
Case Else
boolPointSet = False
End Select
'Call PassLineBet(lngRoll)
Loop While boolPointSet = False
If boolPointSet = True Then
Do Until boolResolved = True
Debug.Print "The current point is a " & lngThePoint
lngNextRoll = objDice.sumDice
'Debug.Print lngCounter
Debug.Print "You Rolled a " & lngNextRoll
If lngNextRoll = lngThePoint Then
'boolResolved = True
Debug.Print "You win"
GoTo StartGame:
ElseIf lngNextRoll = 7 Then
boolResolved = True
Debug.Print "You Lose"
'Debug.Print "Roll #: " & lngCounter
Exit Sub
boolResolved = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public diceOne As Long
Public diceTwo As Long
Public rollNum As Long
Public lngRollCounter As Long
Public sumDice As Long
Public lngPointsMade As Long
Public lSum As Long
Public Sub RollDice()
lngRollCounter = Counter
diceOne = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 6)
diceTwo = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 6)
sumDice = diceOne + diceTwo
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Public Function Counter() As Long
Dim i As Long
i = i + 1
Counter = i
End Function