LINQ返回MVC5 Razor View上的所有记录和groupby

时间:2017-04-26 21:25:17

标签: c# linq razor

我的查询会返回与特定排名匹配的人员列表。我希望它返回所有位置的列表,即使没有人匹配该位置。我加入别人的原因是因为我需要计算"已分配"这是一个与位置匹配的动态添加计数字段。但是,如果没有人匹配这个位置,我希望它仍然可以返回这个位置,但是想要" Assigned"设置为0。

    dynamic query = (from a in db.Positions
                     join b in db.People 
                     on new { 
                         a.PaybandId }
                     equals new { 
                         b.PaybandId } into ab
                     from k in ab.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     join c in db.Grades on k.GradeId equals c.Id
                     join d in db.Series on k.SeriesId equals d.Id
                     join e in db.Companies on k.CompanyId equals e.Id
                     join p in db.Paybands on k.PaybandId equals p.Id
                     group a by new { CompanyName = e.Name, 
                         GradeName = c.Name, 
                         SeriesName = d.Name, 
                         PaybandName = p.Name, 
                         a.Authorized } into f
                     select new { Company = f.Key.CompanyName, 
                         Grade = f.Key.GradeName, 
                         Series = f.Key.SeriesName, 
                         Payband = f.Key.PaybandName, 
                         Authorized = f.Key.Authorized, 
                         Assigned = f.Count() }).AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.ToExpando());


这里是视图截图和剃刀脚本: Razor View Screenshot

@model  IEnumerable<dynamic>

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<table class="table table-responsive table-hover">
            <th class="col-sm-1"></th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Grade</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Series</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Payband</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Authorized</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Assigned</th>
    @foreach (dynamic item in Model)
                <th class="panel-bg" colspan="6">@item.Company</th>
                <td class="col-sm-1"></td>
                <td class="col-sm-2">@item.Grade</td>
                <td class="col-sm-2">@item.Series</td>
                <td class="col-sm-2">@item.Payband</td>
                <td class="col-sm-2">@item.Authorized</td>
                <td class="col-sm-2">@item.Assigned</td>



namespace CPR.Models
using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
    using System.Data.Entity.Spatial;

    public partial class Positions
        public Positions()


        public int Id { get; set; }

        public int CompanyId { get; set; }

        public int SeriesId { get; set; }

        public int GradeId { get; set; }

        public int PaybandId { get; set; }

        public int Authorized { get; set; }

        public virtual Companies Companies { get; set; }

        public virtual Series Series { get; set; }

        public virtual Grades Grades { get; set; }

        public virtual Paybands Paybands { get; set; }

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



            from a in db.Positions
                 join b in db.People 
                 on new { 
                     a.PaybandId }
                 equals new { 
                     b.PaybandId } into ab
                 from k in ab.DefaultIfEmpty()

                 // you want to count the number of people per position here

                 group k by new { a.GradeId, a.SeriesId, a.CompanyId, a.PaybandId, a.Authorized } into g
                 select new { g.Key.GradeId, g.Key.SeriesId, g.Key.CompanyId, g.Key.PaybandId, g.Authorized, Count = g.Count(p => p != null) } into counts

                 // at this point you have position info AND people count per position
                 // next, you can do the remaining joins...

                 join c in db.Grades on counts.GradeId equals c.Id
                 join d in db.Series on counts.SeriesId equals d.Id
                 join e in db.Companies on counts.CompanyId equals e.Id
                 join p in db.Paybands on counts.PaybandId equals p.Id

                 // ... and select full data set, including person count, required for the view

                 select new { 
                    CompanyName = e.Name,
                    GradeName = c.Name,
                    SeriesName = d.Name, 
                    PaybandName = p.Name,
                    Assigned = counts.Count
                 } into full

                 // one more step here that will help to tackle your second problem (grouping by company name in the view)
                 // you want your data coming into the view be grouped by company name 

                 group full by full.CompanyName into groupByCompany

                 select new CompanyInfo { CompanyName = groupByCompany.Key, CompanyItems = groupByCompany.Select(i => new CompanyItem { GradeName = i.GradeName, SeriesName = i.SeriesName, PaybandName = i.PaybandName, Authorized = i.Authorized, Assigned = i.Assigned }).ToList() }



此外,由于有多个thead代码为not allowed,因此您生成的HTML不是100%有效。这是一个经过编辑的版本:

@model IEnumerable<CompanyInfo>

<table class="table table-responsive table-hover">
            <th class="col-sm-1"></th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Grade</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Series</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Payband</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Authorized</th>
            <th class="col-sm-2">Assigned</th>
    @foreach (CompanyInfo item in Model)
            <tr class="company-name">
                <th class="panel-bg" colspan="6">@item.CompanyName</th>
            @foreach (CompanyItem companyItem in item.CompanyItems)
                    <td class="col-sm-1"></td>
                    <td class="col-sm-2">@companyItem.Grade</td>
                    <td class="col-sm-2">@companyItem.Series</td>
                    <td class="col-sm-2">@companyItem.Payband</td>
                    <td class="col-sm-2">@companyItem.Authorized</td>
                    <td class="col-sm-2">@companyItem.Assigned</td>



class CompanyInfo
    public string CompanyName { get; set; }
    public List<CompanyItem> CompanyItems { get; set; }

class CompanyItem
    public string GradeName { get; set; }
    public string SeriesName { get; set; }
    public string PaybandName { get; set; }
    public bool Authorized { get; set; }
    public int Assigned { get; set; }


答案 1 :(得分:-1)


&#34;我希望它返回所有职位的清单,即使没有   匹配职位的人。&#34;



from a in db.Positions
join b in db.People 


from a in db.Positions
left join b in db.People 

正如您所看到的,我应用了left join,因为SQL LEFT JOIN会返回左表中的所有行,即使右表中没有匹配项也是如此。这意味着如果ON子句匹配右表中的0(零)记录;连接仍会在结果中返回一行,但右表中的每列都有NULL。


我希望这对你有帮助, 干杯