
时间:2017-04-26 20:18:30

标签: android android-edittext


if (input>max) {return String.valueOf(max);}


public class InputFilterMinMax implements InputFilter {

        private int min, max;

        public InputFilterMinMax(int min, int max) {
            this.min = min;
            this.max = max;

        public InputFilterMinMax(String min, String max) {
            this.min = Integer.parseInt(min);
            this.max = Integer.parseInt(max);

        public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
            try {
                // Remove the string out of destination that is to be replaced
                String newVal = dest.toString().substring(0, dstart) + dest.toString().substring(dend, dest.toString().length());
                // Add the new string in
                newVal = newVal.substring(0, dstart) + source.toString() + newVal.substring(dstart, newVal.length());
                int input = Integer.parseInt(newVal);
                if (isInRange(min, max, input))
                    return null;
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
            return "";

        private boolean isInRange(int a, int b, int c) {
            return b > a ? c >= a && c <= b : c >= b && c <= a;

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