
时间:2017-04-26 15:18:03

标签: java arrays



Output of the result I get vs the output of the sample given


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import java.util.Scanner;
        class chessMoves
          Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

          private String[][] grid = new String[8][8];
          //target is x, so if x is at location in the grid, your program should determine if
          // any of the pieces can move to that position.
          private String king,queen,rook,bishop,knight,target;

          public void chessPieces(){

            //remember you're only using the peices in scanner for a string just for a test
        //switch them to 2D Array so that i can as
      System.out.println("Hello Guest00129, Welcome to Chess.");
      System.out.println("In order to play this game, input pieces like below(cap;atilaized)");
      System.out.println("Rook at column c and at row 5 then: Rc5");

      System.out.println("Please enter a position for Rook");
      rook = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter a position for King");
      king = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter a position for Queen");
      queen = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter a position for Bishop");
      bishop = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter a position for Knight");
      knight = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter a position for Target(X) to move the peices to that position");
      target = sc.nextLine();
      public void printGrid(){      
            for(int row = 0; row <grid.length; row++){
          for (int column = 0;column <grid[row].length; column++){
            grid[row][column] = ".";
            System.out.printf("%2s",grid[row][column] + " ");
      //get the userinput working first then make a file that gets the information for that userinput and outputs here
      public void readChessPositions(){
      //the file created from the method above read it print the grid here like printout here and show the possible
      //positons that can attack 
      public void chessOutput(){
      //method that prints the grid with the positiosn showed in the outputfile of chess moves
      //print all empty spaces with dot(.) and the postiions
      public static void main (String[] args){
        chessMoves test1 = new chessMoves();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

“我的输出结果现在是下面的网格,但是如何获得Qb2的用户输入(Queen,第2列,第2行?))并将其放入网格中?等等其余部分碎片 ?” 用户将始终输入包含三个字符的字符串。 使用charAt(int index)。 编辑1 :(阅读评论后) 这是代码,运行它并告诉我这是否是您希望程序执行的操作。

    import java.util.Scanner;
    class chessMoves
      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

      private String[][] grid = new String[8][8];
      //target is x, so if x is at location in the grid, your program should determine if
      // any of the pieces can move to that position.
      private String king,queen,rook,bishop,knight,target;

      public void chessPieces(){

        //remember you're only using the peices in scanner for a string just for a test
    //switch them to 2D Array so that i can as
  System.out.println("Hello Guest00129, Welcome to Chess.");
  System.out.println("In order to play this game, input pieces like below(cap;atilaized)");
  System.out.println("Rook at column c and at row 5 then: Rc5");

  System.out.println("Please enter a position for Rook");
  rook = sc.nextLine();
  System.out.println("Please enter a position for King");
  king = sc.nextLine();
  System.out.println("Please enter a position for Queen");
  queen = sc.nextLine();
  System.out.println("Please enter a position for Bishop");
  bishop = sc.nextLine();
  System.out.println("Please enter a position for Knight");
  knight = sc.nextLine();
  System.out.println("Please enter a position for Target(X) to move the peices to that position");
  target = sc.nextLine();
  public void printGrid(){      
        for(int row = 0; row <grid.length; row++){
      for (int column = 0;column <grid[row].length; column++){
        grid[row][column] = ".";
   grid[7-rook.charAt(2)+49][(int)rook.charAt(1)-97] = "r";
   grid[7-bishop.charAt(2)+49][(int)bishop.charAt(1)-97] = "b";
   grid[7-queen.charAt(2)+49][(int)queen.charAt(1)-97] = "q";
   grid[7-king.charAt(2)+49][(int)king.charAt(1)-97] = "k";
   grid[7-knight.charAt(2)+49][(int)knight.charAt(1)-97] = "i";
   grid[7-target.charAt(2)+49][(int)target.charAt(1)-97] = "x";

        for(int row = 0; row <grid.length; row++){
      for (int column = 0;column <grid[row].length; column++){
          System.out.printf("%2s",grid[row][column] + " ");

  //get the userinput working first then make a file that gets the information for that userinput and outputs here
  public void readChessPositions(){
  //the file created from the method above read it print the grid here like printout here and show the possible
  //positons that can attack 
  public void chessOutput(){
  //method that prints the grid with the positiosn showed in the outputfile of chess moves
  //print all empty spaces with dot(.) and the postiions
  public static void main (String[] args){
    chessMoves test1 = new chessMoves();

为了解释我正在做的事情让我解释一下charAt()返回一个字符。字符a,b,c,d当转换成整数时会给出值97,98,99 ... so.Similarly characters 1, 2,3,4 ......将给出47,48,49。 现在,当用户输入rc7(比方说)时,代码采用2d矩阵位置,相互反应c和7.c相互反应为99,你需要使它2减去97(你可以在代码中看到)。同样你可以看出7将如何变为1。 如果您不明白,我建议阅读有关ASCII和Unicode的内容。基本上,ecah字符是一个数字代码,就是这样。 我接受了你的角色输入并将它们转换成整数以将它们放在网格上。

现在,让你的作品转到目标。为此,定义另一种方法 boolean inScope(int [] [] grid,string piece),在函数中定义一个2d数组(本地)让它成为8X8 并且让它为int类型并将所有元素初始化为零。使得一个片段的元素可以被片段1到达。如果目标站在一个1.你的片段可以到达的位置,则返回true。 / p>