眼睛跟着光标 - 定位?

时间:2017-04-25 23:08:48

标签: javascript cursor

我试图使用Javascript创建一个跟随鼠标绕过页面的东西。我希望它是米老鼠,我希望他的眼睛跟随鼠标移动他的眼球......这是我到目前为止的代码(从网络上的各个地方收集,所以归功于谁写了什么部分):< / p>

var jseyesimg="http://oi67.tinypic.com/frnys.jpg";
var jseyeimg="http://oi63.tinypic.com/nxwa5u.jpg";
var jseyeslink="http://www.javascriptkit.com";

var jseyeso=null, jseye1=null, jseye2=null;
var standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes

function jseyesobj(id) {
var i, x;
x= document[id];
if (!x && document.getElementById) x= document.getElementById(id);
for (i=0; !x && i<document.forms.length; i++) x= document.forms[i][id];

function jseyesmove(x, y) {
var ex, ey, dx, dy;
if (jseyeso && jseye1 && jseye2 && jseyeso.style) {
ex=jseyeso.offsetLeft+46; ey=jseyeso.offsetTop+58;
dx=x-ex; dy=y-ey;
r=(dx*dx/49+dy*dy/289<1) ? 1 : Math.sqrt(49*289/(dx*dx*289+dy*dy*49));
jseye1.style.left= r*dx+36.5+'px'; jseye1.style.top= r*dy+44+'px';
ex+=56; dx-=56;
r=(dx*dx/49+dy*dy/289<1) ? 1 : Math.sqrt(49*289/(dx*dx*289+dy*dy*49));
jseye2.style.left= r*dx+92.5+'px'; jseye2.style.top= r*dy+44+'px';

function jseyes() {
var img;
var x, y, a=false;

if (arguments.length==2) {
x= arguments[0];
y= arguments[1];
a= true;

img= "<div id='jseyeslayer' style='position:"+
       (a ? "absolute; left:"+x+"; top:"+y : "relative")+
       "; z-index:5; width:150; height:150 overflow:hidden'>"+
     "<div id='jseye1' style='position:absolute; left:130; top:44; z-index:6; width:21; height:29'>"+
       "<img src='"+jseyeimg+"' width=21 height=29 onClick=\"location.href='"+jseyeslink+"'\">"+
     "<div id='jseye2' style='position:absolute; left:160; top:44; z-index:6; width:21; height:29'>"+
       "<img src='"+jseyeimg+"' width=21 height=29 onClick=\"location.href='"+jseyeslink+"'\">"+
     "<img src='"+jseyesimg+"' width=300 height=300 onClick=\"location.href='"+jseyeslink+"'\">"+


function jseyesmousemove(e) {
    var mousex=(e)? e.pageX : event.clientX+standardbody.scrollLeft
    var mousey=(e)? e.pageY : event.clientY+standardbody.scrollTop
jseyesmove(mousex, mousey);

我无法弄清楚如何将眼睛放在眼球内。如果有人能告诉我什么价值意味着我想尝试一些数字来看看什么看起来最好。 :)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我在下面创建了一个带注释的示例。该示例不使用图像,因此您必须自己处理该部分,这是有关canvas API信息的良好资源(包括如何绘制图像)can be found on MDN


  1. 计算鼠标与眼睛中心之间的角度
  2. 使用三角法在该角度处找到眼球周围的点。由于mickeys眼睛是椭圆形而不是完美的圆形,所以数学非常复杂,因此它们的半径根据角度而变化。 See this answer了解更多详情。
  3. 减去瞳孔的半径(当半径根据角度变化时,再次使用点2的三角)。
  4. 注意:按&#34;运行代码段&#34;看示例工作。

    const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
    const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    const TWOPI = 2 * Math.PI;
    // size the canvas to the full width/height available
    // Note: this solution is not responsive
    canvas.width = innerWidth;
    canvas.height = innerHeight;
    // eye objects will be in charge of holding state and rendering themselves
    class Eye {
      constructor(x, y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = 40;
        this.height = 80;
        this.pupil = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 20 };
      draw() {
        const {x, y} = this;
        context.translate(x, y);
      drawOutline() {
        const {width, height} = this;
        context.ellipse(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, TWOPI);
      drawPupil() {
        const {x, y, width, height} = this.pupil;
        context.ellipse(x, y, width, height, 0, 0, TWOPI);
      track(object) {
        const {x, y, width, height, pupil} = this;
        // find the angle between the mouse and the center of the eye
        const xDiff = (x - object.x);  
        const yDiff = (y - object.y);
        const angle = Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff) - Math.PI;
        if (!isNaN(angle)) {
          // calculate the point on the circumference of the eye
          const cX = (width * Math.cos(angle));
          const cY = (height * Math.sin(angle));
          // calculate the point on the circumference of the pupil
          const pX = pupil.width * Math.cos(angle);
          const pY = pupil.height * Math.sin(angle);
          //  position the pupil at the edge of the eye, minus the radius of the pupil
          pupil.x = cX - pX;
          pupil.y = cY - pY;
    // on mousemove update the mouse position
    window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
      mouse.x = e.clientX;
      mouse.y = e.clientY;
    const mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 };
    const leftEye = new Eye(100, 100);
    const rightEye = new Eye(200, 100);
    // on every tick redraw the eyes with a new position
    function tick() {
      // clear canvas
      context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
      // track the mouse and draw the left eye
      // copy the state of the left eyes pupil
      rightEye.pupil.x = leftEye.pupil.x;
      rightEye.pupil.y = leftEye.pupil.y;
      //rightEye.track(mouse); // or use this for independent eye tracking
    // kick off animation loop
    body { margin: 0; }
    <canvas />

    如果您对视觉编程感兴趣,我认为您可以通过查看p5.jswork of Daniel Shiffman来学到很多东西。他有很多关于开始这样的东西的视频。我希望这有帮助,祝你好运!