的形式输入的程序2MU133 -34.94 -69.13 0.468 -0.900 第一个是汽车的ID,第二个是x-Pos,第三个是y-Pos,第一个是x-Velocity,第五个是y-Velocity。一旦两辆车之间的距离达到10,它们就会碰撞并蒸发。 我的程序运行正常,但我想知道是否有任何修改我应该这样做,它可以在大规模的数据上运行得更快,因为现在它有点慢。
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::string;
using std::make_tuple;
using std::tuple;
using std::vector;
using std::get;
using std::sqrt;
using std::sort;
bool tupleCompare(tuple<string, string, double> first,
tuple<string, string, double> second)
return get<2>(first) < get<2>(second);
tuple<string, string, double> willCollide(tuple<string, double, double, double, double> car1,
tuple<string, double, double, double, double> car2)
double posDifX = get<1>(car1) - get<1>(car2);
double posDifY = get<2>(car1) - get<2>(car2);
double velDifX = get<3>(car1) - get<3>(car2);
double velDifY = get<4>(car1) - get<4>(car2);
double a = velDifX * velDifX + velDifY * velDifY;
double b = 2 * (posDifX * velDifX + posDifY * velDifY);
double c = posDifX * posDifX + posDifY * posDifY - 100;
double possibleSol = b * b - 4 * a * c; // b^2-4ac
double sol1, sol2;
if ((a == 0) || possibleSol < 0)
{ //check for a = 0 or b^2-4ac < 0
return make_tuple("0", "0", 0);
sol1 = (-b + sqrt(possibleSol)) / (2 * a);
sol2 = (-b - sqrt(possibleSol)) / (2 * a);
if (sol1 <= sol2 && sol1 > 0)
return make_tuple(get<0>(car1), get<0>(car2), sol1);
else if (sol2 <= sol1 && sol2 > 0)
return make_tuple(get<0>(car1), get<0>(car2), sol2);
return make_tuple("0", "0", 0);
bool containString(vector<string> colliedCars, string check)
for (int i = 0; i < colliedCars.size(); i++)
if (check == colliedCars[i])
return true;
return false;
int main()
vector<tuple<string, double, double, double, double> > collectionOfCars; //All info of cars
vector<tuple<string, string, double> > collision; //all possible collision
vector<string> hasCollided; //store ID of cars already collid
vector<tuple<string, string, double> > collisionResult; //result of collision
string ID;
double xPos, yPos, xVel, yVel;
while (cin >> ID >> xPos >> yPos >> xVel >> yVel)
{ //read in info about cars
collectionOfCars.push_back(make_tuple(ID, xPos, yPos, xVel, yVel));
for (int i = 0; i < collectionOfCars.size(); i++)
{ //test for time of collision for different pairs of cars
for (int j = i + 1; j < collectionOfCars.size(); j++)
tuple<string, string, double> result =
willCollide(collectionOfCars[i], collectionOfCars[j]);
if (get<0>(result) != "0")
sort(collision.begin(), collision.end(), tupleCompare);
for (int k = 0; k < collision.size(); k++)
if (!containString(hasCollided, get<0>(collision[k]))
&& !containString(hasCollided, get<1>(collision[k])))
cout << "there are " << collectionOfCars.size() << " vehicles" << "\n";
cout << "collision report" << "\n";
if (collisionResult.size() == 0)
cout << "none" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < collisionResult.size(); i++)
cout << "at " << get<2>(collisionResult[i]) << " "
<< get<0>(collisionResult[i]) << " collided with "
<< get<1>(collisionResult[i]) << "\n";
cout << "the remaining vehicles are" << "\n";
if (hasCollided.size() == collectionOfCars.size())
cout << "none" << "\n";
for (int j = 0; j < collectionOfCars.size(); j++)
if (!containString(hasCollided, get<0>(collectionOfCars[j])))
ID = get<0>(collectionOfCars[j]);
xPos = get<1>(collectionOfCars[j]);
yPos = get<2>(collectionOfCars[j]);
xVel = get<3>(collectionOfCars[j]);
yVel = get<4>(collectionOfCars[j]);
cout << ID << " " << xPos << " " << yPos << " " << xVel << " "
<< yVel << "\n";
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
是汽车数量。也就是说,对于每辆车,您检查其他所有车并检查是否有碰撞。您可以使用quad tree将其变为O(n * log(n))