节点& SQL:检查列中是否有值

时间:2017-04-25 20:42:34

标签: javascript mysql sql node.js

我正在使用Node.js(特别是discord.js)制作Discord机器人。我有一个名为!add的命令,它有两个以上的参数。 !add Name This is the replyName将为args[0])。这是我用来检查他们输入的Name是否已由用户创建的代码:

var info = {
 "commandname": args[0],
 "commandreply": args.join(" ").slice(1),
 "username": message.author.name,
 "userid": message.author.id

connection.query("SELECT * FROM commands WHERE commandname = " + args[0], info, function(error) {
  if (error) throw error;

  // should only fireif that command name already exists as a command.
  return message.channel.sendMessage("A command with command name " + args[0] + " already exists."); 

// SHOULD fire - as no commands in my database yet. Especially not with that name.
console.log("Trying to insert command " + args[0] + " into Database."); 


Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'Name' in 'where clause'



非常 SQL新手。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)

首先,你的代码很容易被sql注入。首先转义用户所做的所有输入,然后修复查询错误。它应该是这样的:SELECT * FROM commands WHERE commandname = '" + args[0] + "'"