Social.LoadScores ("leaderboard_id",scores => {
if(scores.Length > 0)
Debug.Log("Got " + scores.Length + " scores");
string myScores = "Leaderboard:\n";
foreach (IScore score in scores)
myScores += "AllTime" + "\t" + score.userID + " " + score.formattedValue + " " + score.date + "\n"+ " "+score.rank;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
在Unity 5.6中,您可以:
void ShowScoresForToday()
// OutputField is a Unity text element I'm using to debug this on the device
OutputField.text = "";
var leaderboardID = "leaderboard";
var log = string.Format( "Top score for leaderboard with id: '{0}'", leaderboardID );
Debug.Log( log );
OutputField.text = log;
var leaderboard = Social.CreateLeaderboard();
leaderboard.id = leaderboardID;
leaderboard.timeScope = TimeScope.Today;
leaderboard.LoadScores( success =>
var scores = leaderboard.scores;
if ( scores.Length > 0 )
foreach ( var score in scores )
var logLine = string.Format( "User: '{0}'; Score: {1}; Rank: {2}",
score.userID, score.value, score.rank );
OutputField.text += "\n" + logLine;
Debug.LogError( "No scores registered" );
} );
我认为你不能因为GameCenter本身如何存储这些分数 - https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/Achievements/Achievements.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008304-CH7-SW30
编辑:@CharlieSeligman,你问我有关用户名后获取用户名的信息:Social.LoadScores( leaderboardID, scores =>
var log = string.Format( "There are {0} players in the leaderboard", scores.Length );
Debug.Log( log );
var userIDs = new List<string>();
foreach ( var score in scores )
var idLog = string.Format( "User with id '{0}' and scored {1}, rank is {2}",
score, score.value, score.rank );
Debug.Log( idLog );
userIDs.Add( score.userID );
Social.LoadUsers( userIDs.Distinct().ToArray(), userProfiles =>
var user = userProfiles[0];
var usernameLog = string.Format( "User with id '{0}' is {1}",
user.id, user.userName );
Debug.Log( usernameLog );
} );
} );