在数字海洋ubuntu 16.04上的meteor.js服务器上使用webshot进行504网关超时

时间:2017-04-25 02:04:40

标签: javascript ubuntu meteor phantomjs






return SCModel.extend({

    name: 'Account'

,   register: function (user_data)
        // Check if there is already a user/customer with this email address
        // The below function will crash the script because
        // the script cannot access the 'customer' table
        var emailDulicates = nlapiSearchRecord('customer', null, 
            new nlobjSearchFilter('email', null, 'is', ''+user_data.email));

        if (emailDulicates && emailDulicates.length > 0) {
            Application.sendError({"Email already taken."});
            return false;

        ... continue on to register user




发现我的应用实际上是在这个目录中创建pdf /bundle/bundle/programs/server/nameofpdf.pdf

Meteor.methods({'sendMail': sendMail}); Router.route('generatePDF', { path: '/reportes/generate-pdf/:_id', // example route with _id param where: 'server', action: function() { // Get invoice ID parameter var id = this.params._id; var tipo = Reportes.findOne(id).tipo; var fecha = Reportes.findOne(id).Fechadeservicio; // Setting name for our generated PDF var fileName = fecha+"-"+tipo+"-reporte_.pdf"; // Load NPM packages var webshot = Npm.require('webshot'); var fs = Npm.require('fs'); var Future = Npm.require('fibers/future'); var fut = new Future(); // Set path to your route here - Meteor.absoluteUrl() is your root url ("http://localhost:3000/") var url = Meteor.absoluteUrl('reportepdf/'+id); // Meteor.absoluteUrl('path/to/your/route'); var options = { renderDelay: 3000, paperSize: { format: "Letter", orientation: "portrait", margin: "1cm", phantomPath: "/usr/local/share/phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs" } //papersize }; //options // Magic happens here... webshot(url, fileName, options, function(err) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } else { fs.readFile(fileName, function (error,data) { if (error) { return console.log(err); } fs.unlinkSync(fileName); fut.return(data); }); } }); let pdfData = fut.wait(); let base64String = new Buffer(pdfData).toString('base64'); sendMail({ to: "nubestra@gmail.com", from: "israel@nubestra.com", subject: "prueba", nombrepdf: fileName, attachment: base64String }); this.response.writeHead(302, { 'Location': "/" }); this.response.end(); //this.response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=" + fileName}); //this.response.end(fut.wait()); } }); 未删除临时文件


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