import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#Sets the size of the chart
from pylab import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 7, 2
#Creates the dataframe
raw_data = {'plan_type': ['PPO', 'HMO', 'POS', 'CDHP', 'EPO', 'FFS'],
'Your Plan': [100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0],
'Benchmark': [48, 16, 9, 22, 5, 0],
'Region': [18, 28, 84, 34, 11, 0],
'Industry': [49, 13, 7, 23, 6, 0],
'Size': [57, 16, 9, 26, 3, 0]
df2 =pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['plan_type', 'Your Plan'])
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data,
columns = ['plan_type', 'Benchmark', 'Region', 'Industry',
#Plots the bars, adding desired colors
ax = df2.plot.bar(rot=0,color='#FFD966',width=1)
ax = df.plot.bar(rot=0, ax=ax, color=["#305496", '#8ea9db', '#b4c6e7',
width = 0.8 )
#Adds data labels to top of bars
for p in ax.patches[1:]:
h = p.get_height()
x = p.get_x()+p.get_width()/2.
if h != 0 :
ax.annotate("%g" % p.get_height()+'%', xy=(x,h), xytext=(0,4),
textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="bottom")
#Sets x-axis limits and margins
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, None)
#Adds legend to the top of the page
ax.legend(ncol=len(df.columns), loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor
borderaxespad=0, mode="expand")
#Add labels to the x-axis
#shows the plot and prints it to
plt.show()[enter image description here][1]