using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CubeMovement: MonoBehaviour
public int startX;
public float startTime;
public int pingPongX;
public float pingPongTime;
private bool started;
public GameObject playerObj;
public float originalY;
public float fallDownTime = 1912;
public GameObject activatingCube;
void Awake()
pingPongTime = (startTime / (Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.x - startX))) * (startX - pingPongX);
void Update()
Player player = playerObj.GetComponent<Player> ();
//All blocks start moving after 1 click
//if (player.clicks == 1 && started == false)
// StartX ();
//This block starts moving after player collides with activatingCube
if (started == false && playerObj.transform.parent == activatingCube.transform)
StartX ();
started = true;
Debug.Log ("Going to start");
void StartX()
started = true;
Debug.Log ("Started");
if (gameObject.transform.name == "Cube (1)2") //omdat dit blokje hetzelfde is als activating cube werkte het alleen met moveby
iTween.MoveBy (gameObject, iTween.Hash ("x", startX, "time", startTime, "easeType", "easeInOutSine", "loopType", "none", "delay", 0));
StartCoroutine (StartPingPong (startTime));
if (gameObject.transform.name != "Cube (1)2")
iTween.MoveTo (gameObject, iTween.Hash ("x", startX, "time", startTime, "easeType", "easeInOutSine", "loopType", "none", "delay", 0));
IEnumerator StartPingPong(float startTime)
yield return new WaitForSeconds (startTime);
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("x", pingPongX, "time", pingPongTime, "easeType", "easeInOutSine", "loopType", "pingPong", "delay", 0));
当玩家与立方体碰撞时,它将成为它的一个孩子,直到它从立方体上跳下来。 当玩家成为玩家的孩子时,立方体会停止移动,几秒钟后它会再次开始移动,为什么?